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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…As a result, I was forced to leave the country, fearing for my life and my freedom…. “In addition, I had grounds to expect physical violence. I used to receive threats but in recent years they had grown to an enormous number. My public activities resulted in promises to hunt me down, beat me up, and kill me. Neo-Nazis, homophobes and pro-Putin agitators showered me with insults on social networks, harassed me on the phone and at events, and even c…

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Alabama Senate Considers Giving Church Its Own Police Force; Irony Reportedly Dead

…see here. Because we are to pretend drugs don’t exist in the affluent zip codes, because drug abuse cannot be acknowledged in the pursuit of the Christ-centered life. Because everybody is better off if we pretend that problem is … somebody else’s problem. This is from April 2015, before the original bill was considered in the Alabama Legislature. To recap once again: the Briarwood high school was caught trying to sweep a drug problem under the ru…

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What a Forgotten 19th Century Suffragist Can Teach Us About Women’s Rights vs. The Religious Right

…ity among the sexes and religions. Suffrage was part of the broader set of freedoms that Gage sought, but freedom goes well beyond that. What Gage saw was that you can’t just “get out the vote.” You have to change the mythologies. New stories need to be told, even if they are the old stories that have been forgotten.   [Research for this essay is greatly indebted to the ongoing work of Sally Roesch Wagner, and the Matilda Joslyn Gage Home in Fayet…

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Graeme Wood on ISIS: No Such Thing as Objective Critique

…ocation of Koranic verses. He reports that ISIS supporters “often speak in codes and allusions that sound odd or old-fashioned to non-Muslims, but refer to specific traditions and texts of early Islam,” and that they, “spoke with an academic precision that put me in mind of a good graduate seminar.” These people speak with authority, so they must be authoritative. So the logic goes. In the article, Wood relies on the familiar Protestant notion tha…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…cussed how his pro-life stance infuses his policy decisions: …for me … the sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief that ancient principle that where God says before you were formed in the womb I knew you. … So for me, my faith informs my life. I try and spend a little time on my knees every day. But it all for me begins with cherishing the dignity, the worth, the value of every human life. After attacking Kaine for being on a ticket that suppo…

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The Theology of Westboro: The “World’s Meanest Church” Is More Than Picket Signs

…e heard so much more widely and creep into secular life, from school dress codes to abstinence-only education. So those people are likely to be irritated. What alternative title would you give the book? Redemption in Topeka: How the World’s Meanest Church Decided to Stop Anti-Gay Picketing and Spend Their Talent and Energy Ending Racism in the Heart of America. Previous to his anti-gay work, Fred Phelps was a civil rights activist who led consider…

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How Fitbit Helps a Conservative Evangelical College Monitor Students’ Bodies For Christ

…iberal arts education and to have their behavior heavily regulated. Though codes of conduct may vary, evangelical universities like ORU, Liberty University, and Regent University all prohibit students from using illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, wearing provocative clothing, and engaging in premarital and homosexual sex. Bob Jones University actually prohibited interracial dating up until 2001. Oral Roberts believed that the survival of his own…

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After Roe: 3 Troubling Trends from the ‘Compassionate’ Anti-Abortion Crowd

…focus from pressuring the Supreme Court to building some kind of abortion-free utopia, where people with unintended pregnancies find the support they need to carry the baby to term. Major outlets have provided space for anti-abortion activists in centrist drag to lament the abruptness of Dobbs as they call for humility and dialogue. I’m not the first to notice these efforts at hand-waving and damage control. The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey has writ…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…nd then you add to that DNA, which has been called things like the code of codes, the holy grail. We give it this kind of supernatural significance. So, I think it’s a combination of being a society that values data, being a society that equates progress with scientific development, and being a society that thinks that genetics—in part because DNA comes from you, from us, from we—is the ultimate information, the ultimate data. It’s like this data…

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Will SB 1146 End LGBT Discrimination in California’s Religious Schools?

…th-based institutions explicitly subject” to California non-discrimination codes. Of course, that’s because non-faith-based institutions are already subject to the state and federal anti-discrimination laws. “The targets of this bill are religious colleges and universities, but the true victims of this legislation would be the innocent students,” wrote California Assemblyman Matthew Harper early last month. Since the anti-discrimination requiremen…

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