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Tajwid: To Read with Love… and Competence

…lots of fasting Muslims parking there. Street parking around the mosque is free but they’ve been filling up pretty fast. So I had to walk a block to get to the mosque and then another block around it to get to the women’s entrance—or should I say the entrances—in the back. These past few times I was able to park across the street from the side of the mosque. When I leave after my eightraka’at, I don’t feel so out-in-the-dark-woman-alone kind of th…

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…and I thought to myself how could I be so far off? I thought, hmm, well I better adjust my clock. I am getting up too early to coordinate between suhur, fajr and my personal Qur’an reading before a nap. Now in all my attempts at staying some what tech-literate, I am not quite tech savvy. I have this really neat alarm that plays a CD of my choice. I think I mentioned it, because I have this really awesome adhan by Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani, from the…

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Interfaith: Whose Faith?

…t this did make me think about the phenomenon of interfaith as it is being promoted these days. First of all, this is not an idea promoted by the oppressed to invite others to celebrate their faith. It is something those already in power or with privilege extend to make an opening or orchestrate a collective. This means, those who do get invitations are usually at a disadvantage. If nothing else, it could be from the mere organizational standpoint…

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Feisal Abdul-Rauf Still not Providing Leadership on Park51

…Abdul-Rauf’s return to the United States, first from an extended visit to Malaysia and then an a short State Department-funded trip to several Arab nations, reignites the questions about leadership at the Park51 Project. His return resulted in a coordinated media outreach that continues to confuse the issue and show that no one really seems to be in charge. Abdul-Rauf begins this media offensive by writing an op-ed in the New York Times, in which…

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Birthday Blog

…except for a dream about storage arrangements that included a friend from Malaysia my daughter’s cat and one of my children, no bells rang, no guns went off. My daughter kept her promise to make me breakfast and I kept my promise to myself about it: wait for her no matter how late, rather than jump the gun because I’m an early riser. Truth be told, my children have come to that place where it’s very hard to know what to do for a person who demand…

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Rent-Free Religion in New York’s Public Schools

…granted permits for worship services. The new churches valued not just the free real estate, but also the proximity to children and families, and the credibility provided by their new physical setting. Owing to the fact that schools are generally available to the community only on Sundays, not Fridays or Saturdays, the opportunity was not open in any significant way to Muslim or Jewish congregations. “We have been enjoying meeting in the school th…

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The Forgotten Struggle Over Gender and Bigotry in Christianity

…place, when a few imaginative, inspired people dared to declare solidarity between natives and foreigners, free born and slaves, men and women, through a ceremony and a creed. It is the story of that first, unbelievable creed. *** 1. “Die Frauen in die neutestamentliche Schriften,” Theologische Quartalschrift 90 (1909): 321–51. 2. Heinrich Weinel, Paulus. Der Mensch und Sein Werk (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1904), 212–15. 3. Larry Hur…

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Supreme Court to Hear Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Cases

…e free speech cases, the plaintiffs have argued that the separation of the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses by a semicolon requires that the two clauses be interpreted, for these purposes, identically. (Filmmaker Drew Emery calls the upcoming Supreme Court case “the world’s most closely watched semicolonoscopy.”) In Conestoga, though, the Third Circuit rejected those arguments. “We are not persuaded that the use of a semi-colon means that eac…

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Restoring Dignity: The Employee Free Choice Act

…t played the same role in maintaining nearly 30 years of Republican hegemony that the labor movement once played in maintaining Democratic hegemony. The religious right is now in some considerable disarray, though by no means disabled. What better time, and what better way, for religious progressives to help spur a big turn in our politics than to lend some help right now in restoring the central role of a progressive labor movement in advancing s…

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SCOTUS Seems to Think You Should Be Forced to Pay For Religious Education

…majority will continue to ignore the establishment clause and blow up the free exercise clause into a broadly applicable special rights provision. A free ticket for the religious to exempt themselves from federal and state laws—most importantly, public health and anti-discrimination laws. JS: Do these special rights provisions apply equally? The court is on a mission to remake free-exercise law. Not too long ago, it held that religious people and…

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