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French Theologian Urges Islam to Self-Critique, Fails to Notice Log in Own Eye

…to engage. These new measures, which aim to support teachers and inculcate Republican virtues, include a “zero tolerance” policy towards behaviors that denigrate the values of the Republic, forms of punishment whose goal is to integrate through community service, specific forms of “moral and civic education,” and, as a centerpiece of this state pedagogy, a secularism day [une journée de la laïcité] on December 9th which will commemorate the 1905 s…

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Good Hair, Good God! The Divine Politics of African-American Hair

…rver, Good Hair might be mistaken for a niche film aimed at an audience of African descent. Yet that would be a mistake. The aesthetic obsession with hair, perfect bodies, cosmetics, and the like is a spiritual pursuit—whether we like it or not. The lengths (no pun intended) people go to in order to have the hair that makes them desirable to others and to themselves is their prerogative. But the very pathos that has been induced by slavery, racism…

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Can’t “Truss” a White Conservative’s Pledge

…o be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President. LBJ’s 1965 War on Poverty was triggered in part by the famous “Moynihan Report” finding that the black out-of-wedlock birthrate had hit 26%; today, the white rate exceeds that, the overall rate is 41%, and over 70% of African-American babies are born to single parent. Um, Hell-to-th…

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Christian Patriarchy Clouds Social Science Findings On Happy Marriages

…een going to church and having a happy marriage. So, even if religion does promote marital happiness for whites, it doesn’t work for African Americans—-advantage Professor Butler. Worse yet, there is considerable reason to suspect that churchgoers are more subject to social desirability bias regarding marital happiness. To claim that you are not happy with your marriage is to covet a different relationship, and churchgoing Christians may be prone…

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Red Pop and Freedom: How (And How Not) to Celebrate Juneteenth, a New Federal Holiday

…, notes that red-colored food and drinks draws upon the diasporic roots of African-American and American foodways. Enslaved Africans sent to Texas, the westernmost of the former Confederacy and cotton kingdom, were drawn from Yoruba and Kongo people for which red held spiritual meaning of sacrifice, transition, and power. In his insightful New York Times article, “Hot Links and Red Drinks: The Rich Food Tradition of Juneteenth” soul-food expert Ad…

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A Color-Blind America? Don’t Fall For The Okey-Doke

…n issue. Within the study of religion, this could mean that examination of African American and African diasporic traditions, which are heavily (though not exclusively) rooted in the legacy of slavery, might be seen as a glimpse into the archaic past—a past that has little to no contemporary relevance. Am I exaggerating these possibilities? I think not. On Thursday, November 6, two days after the election, I led a discussion on “Religion and Race”…

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The Forgotten Struggle Over Gender and Bigotry in Christianity

…hts era. Then, in the 1960s, white churches began to “open their doors” to African Americans and—surprise—most blacks said “thanks, but no thanks.” This wasn’t major league baseball, after all. Most African Americans preferred to worship in the churches their ancestors had built of necessity—theirs, now, by choice—rather than join churches that had shunned them for more than a century. The story of race and religion in America is pocked with indig…

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Global LGBT Recap: Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People; British Muslim Group Welcomes Gay-Rights Activist; Homophobia Exports Continue

…ast week condemning anti-gay laws in Nigeria and Uganda.  In response, the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Parliament reportedly “said it will discourage African heads of state and government from attending the EU-Africa summit scheduled for May should Western nations impose sanctions on Uganda and Nigeria. Navi Pillay, the UN’s Human Rights chief, met with Nigeria’s justice minister last week and slammed the country’s new anti-gay law, saying it…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…, urging him to take action to repeal the provision of the country’s penal code that criminalizes homosexuality. The Queer African Youth Network and partner organizations have published a report, “We Exist: Mapping LGBTQ Organizing in West Africa.” From the report: Almost no work is being done to support LGBTQ people and MSM to reconcile their faith with their sexual orientations and gender identities. House of Rainbow in Nigeria is the only LGBTQ…

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Gay, Black, and Quaker: History Catches Up with Bayard Rustin

…renewed significance, as conservative (mostly religious) voices within the African American community resist the expanding embrace of LGBT rights by African American elected officials and civil rights leaders—and as proponents and opponents of LGBT equality contend for the moral mantle of the civil rights movement. Rustin, who became active in the gay rights movement in his later years, wrote eloquently about the need for activists to build coalit…

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