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James Dobson’s Family Values Were Influenced by a Eugenicist [Audio]

…ism as these grave threats to the family. He would dismiss domestic abuse—that’s something that appears in later of his books. He would sometimes accuse women of faking it, just to get attention, that sort of thing. Even where he believed abuse was real, he never really thought of it as a good reason for divorce. Everybody had to stay in their marriage. And when he, when he ended up founding Focus on the Family he really gave all of those ideas th…

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Bishops’ Attempt to Deny Communion to Biden Will Backfire Even More Spectacularly Than Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

…its alike is the notion that all Catholics are sinners. The dubious logic that follows is that all are equally unworthy to receive communion. Conservatives would say that some are a little more unworthy than others. They sniff piously and say we should all shiver in our shoes as we approach the altar. Please, my Irish grandmother…where do they get these notions? Communion is not a litmus test of orthodoxy nor a prize for theological correctness. I…

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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…t in Brazil. According to AP‘s Diane Jeantet, the Court’s president wrote that “It is not to be assumed that a humorous satire has the magic power to undermine the values ​​of the Christian faith, whose existence goes back more than two thousand years.” Amen. There is a strong déjà-vu quality to the protests that have recently erupted around the Brazilian comedy troupe Porta dos Fundos’s presentation of Christ as a gay man. In Netflix’s Christmas…

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Vatican: Gay Rights Opponents are Real Victims

…ogic also simplistically views a natural order to the human body, meaning that each part of the body has a function that is connected to the whole person and humans cannot change these natural functions—particularly sexual functions. Natural law anthropology does not take into account anomalies in nature that might account for homosexuality and a variety of functional variations that can occur in different humans. More problematic in Tomasi’s unde…

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Ordered To Remove Her Hijab, Army Sgt. Felt ‘Religiously Raped’

…dovinos’ hair was coming out of her head wrap when she came back. I guess that was an indication that it had been removed,” the eyewitness said. “It appears to be a case of pure anti-Muslim harassment,” Weinstein said. “They’re facing a formal EEO complaint. This was their chance to do the right thing. And if they don’t, among other things, we will file a formal complaint with the US Civil Rights Commission in Washington. We will take it out of DO…

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“Professor” David Barton On Immigration: God Drew Our Borders

…adio show was on illegal immigration. Barton donned his “biblical scholar” hat to inform us that, “its God, not man, who establishes the borders of nations.” Citing Deuteronomy 32:8, he said: When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he’s the one who set up boundaries for the nations. National boundaries are set by God; he is the one who drew up the lines for the nations. If you have open borders you say,…

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Thinking Theologically About Wisconsin Union Conflict

…t, I think, is the message of the manna and the quail out in the desert. The newly-freed Israelites would love to be as rich as they remember the Egyptians being, but their God calls them to a “just-enough” economy that prevents exploitation. We’ll see if he can pull the same rabbit out of the hat in Madison. *The Abrahamic faiths, anyway. **Note to those who troll the comments: that’s scripture paraphrase, not quote….

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Stop the Coup 2025 Founder on the Dangers of the Heritage Foundation’s Authoritarian Playbook

…tianity versus any other faith, any other religious tradition, and saying that that’s the only one that should be taught. That it should become the law of the land. We know that many, many people who are in faith-based communities would not be in support of this agenda. But I think it speaks for itself. We need to talk about this in terms of how do we get the word out about this? We’re doing our best. We want people to come to our website and take…

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On National Coming Out Day, Many Still Can’t Afford the Luxury

…tures called “lesbians.” I put the magazine down and said to myself, “So, that’s what I am.” I went to the mirror and tried on my new label. “I am a lezzz-be-yun,” I pronounced the new noun slowly, trying to wrap both my tongue and my mind around this strange word.  I hated it. I still hate it. The word lesbian is so … clinical … bloodless … weak. To this day, if I feel I need a label for my sexuality, I still prefer “dyke” for its short, punchy a…

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