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Record Number of Stealth Creationism Bills Introduced in 2011

…ecially with regard to employment or academic support, a faculty member or student based on the faculty member’s or student’s conduct of research relating to the theory of intelligent design or other alternate theories of the origination and development of organisms.” What makes this bill such a precious gem is that it relies on creationists’ persecution complex and oft-repeated talking point that the science community discriminates against ID res…

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Catholics Talk About Sex

…A series of Letters to the Editor appeared in The Heights, the independent student newspaper. The student at the table, Lindsey Hennawi, wrote a Letter to the Editor about the incident. Rev. Chris Collins, the priest, responded by defending his position that condom use is damaging to a person, his or her sexuality, and the sexuality of their partner.  Alicia Johnson, Chair of BCSSH, reported, “Not all Jesuit Catholic Universities require student g…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…ith a shade of awe. As a freshman he was class president, but then he quit student government for greater things. He also has a visionary streak, and a knack for stringing winged words together into crescendos. Busy Notre Dame students need this, he says. They live in an “upper-middle-class Catholic Disneyland” and need to be shaken up. “I wouldn’t necessarily call myself an instigator, but—” he says, trailing off. His word, not mine. Phelan’s co-…

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Beyond Tolerance: Helping Religions “Come Out”

…ersity—were housed under the Hillel Jewish campus umbrella, they attracted students from across the religious spectrum. Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and even a Zoroastrian student, sought out these groups because they were the only spaces on campus where one could discern how an LGBTQI identity could possibly coexist within a distinct religious, spiritual, or cultural framework. An underlying paradigm for these circles of support is the Hebrew…

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For Douthat, Church Either Uncompromising or a Secular Den of Promiscuity and Irrelevance

…is at stake to play nicey-nice. Dr. Sally Tinker, the school counselor and student council adviser. Teenagers, you will be shocked to learn, do not always elect the best-qualified student council members. They are occasionally swayed by other concerns, like popularity. Rather than spend a lot of energy trying to convince teenagers to be more thoughtful about their elected representatives—not her place, and besides, there’s little chance of success…

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Eddie Izzard on Atheism, Transgender, and “The Invisible Bloke Upstairs”

…I believe in us and that’s how it works. How would describe yourself as a student or observer of religion? I’ve become a student of life really. I look for patterns and came up with a theory which history plus change in society multiplied by the change in technology equals the future. It’s a bit of a glib equation, but humanity keeps repeating things. We have a Hitler and then we had Milošević. Why did that happen? Then you factor in the change i…

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Why I Boycotted a Conference at Brigham Young University

…the free expression of thought. It would be as if a university expelled a student for accepting the scientific account of evolution, or if another university expelled a student for voting Democrat. Perhaps such cases exist, but I would be opposed to them as well. And if a religious organization sponsors a university shouldn’t it be allowed to set the rules? Well, yes and no. When it comes to freedom of thought, I’d say no. If some rich donors com…

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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…’s “sincerely held religious belief.” SB 2095 is a mean-spirited attempt to bar transgender students from participating in school athletics, suggesting the medically necessary treatment that some trans youth undergo is actually “steroid use” intended to give students an unfair competitive advantage. The bill, which was drafted in response to 17-year-old trans student Mack Beggs’ victory in a girl’s wrestling tournament (because the young man, by v…

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The Awkward Silence in the Wake of Jacob Neusner’s Passing

…. Not unlike my college classmate, it seems the full cadre of his doctoral students—the students he claimed so fully—also found a way of talking back. But unlike my college classmate, they ultimately needed to say nothing at all. At precisely this same liturgical moment instead of going to him and asking him to apologize or whatever else, they chose silence. In some relationships, there are simply no words and no reckoning. Jacob Neusner believed…

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Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Wheaton College Would Like to Pretend Its LGBTQ Students Don’t Exist

…e same dorm where this queer dude was an R.A. five years ago) confronted a student who had hung a rainbow flag in their own dorm room window and asked the student to remove it. Apparently, Wheaton’s concern isn’t merely about people putting the rainbow flag where it isn’t officially licensed to be; their concern is about people putting the rainbow flag anywhere. How will Wheaton attempt to excuse this violation of their students’ freedom of speech…

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