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New Film Chronicles Unlikely Friendship in Battle Over God and Guns

…needlessly the way they are dying, by fear and guns,” said McBath. Schenck compared it to a disease outbreak in need of a public health response—but a spiritual disease requiring a spiritual response. “It falls to the leadership of the community as much as the membership, but especially the leadership,” he said. “That is, pastors in the pulpit dealing with this question and demonstrating how it contradicts the Christian life and message.” The Armo…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…ls had banned foreigners from attending and forbade donations from foreign companies. More than 120 local companies stepped up to replace funding that had come in from multinationals in the past. Here’s how the Ministry of Home Affairs explained the ban: “The Government has made clear its position on this matter. We would like to reiterate that foreign entities should not fund, support or influence events that relate to domestic issues, especially…

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For the Love of God, Bono, Please Stop Touring

…ing also ignored the very same problem when it was predominantly the LGBTQ community taking the brunt of that epidemic. Oh yeah, and 45 hasn’t paid income taxes in like 18 years. Is that the reason he wasn’t on the guest list? It is easy to recognize his genius, transforming suburban pocket change into white ONE bracelets into millions in aid for the poorest. Somehow he convinced corporate dollars they would be cooler if they were colo(red). But S…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Three Ways to American Beauty

…ia on the chorus of “Candyman”: “Look out, Look out, the Candyman, Here he come and he’s gone again, Pretty lady aint got no friend til the Candyman comes round again.” Here is a call to watch, to take care—a critical realism about the dangers of seduction. The Kids They Dance The third way to engage the Grateful Dead is to participate. Both Hunter and John Perry Barlow, the primary lyricists for the band, implicate the Dead and their fans in the…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…we need those corrupt walls that have been built up by the politicians to come smashing and crumbling down.” “The Great Reset” Back to Ottawa: Christian nationalist symbols are visible in the mob that’s been marching and occupying space around Parliament for about 20 days, though in smaller numbers than in American rallies. It’s part of the broader effort to bring global attention to the “convoy.” CBC has reported on the prayer circles and speech…

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Houston’s Pastor Subpoenas: A Meme Made for Fox News

…seems intrusive & counterproductive. Violates liberty + feeds persecution complex.” Rob Boston, Director of Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said in a statement, “Government authorities have the right to subpoena pastors and even ask for sermons if there is a reasonable suspicion of wrong-doing. For example, if a pastor delivered a sermon and urged his flock to engage in illegal activities, law enforcement o…

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Speaker in drag addresses audience.

Constitutional Attorney Changes into Drag During Talk on Cancelation of West Texas A&M Drag Show

…ents, booked an on-campus venue, and began to advertise the event and sell tickets. Then, 11 days before the drag fundraiser was set to take place, WT President Walter Wendler, who has a record of inserting his right-wing Christian bias into his public roles, unilaterally canceled the performance via a pedantic email. Seidel tells the story of the drag show cancelation at West Texas A&M (clip=5.5 minutes): Much of the moralizing communique was cou…

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Rage Against the New Age Machine: Three Days at the Osho International Meditation Resort

…ould take several sessions to unblock my energy, she said. Would I like to come back tomorrow? Now, months later, I’m unsure about why what happened next. On my way back to my dorm, I felt compelled to visit the Galleria. Finding Yogananda, I apologized for screaming at him. He must have assumed that I was on the path to my true authentic self because he smiled and asked if he could hug me. When he did, something broke inside me. My grief and ange…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…that Democrats need to get better at telling stories than at crunching the numbers, in this battle of the budget, the numbers actually matter. Hell, it’s a fight about numbers. And balance. And the virtue of justice. What this latest budget battle, and the question of raising the debt ceiling, and the straw polls are revealing, is just how Tertullian a wing of the Republican Party has become. It not only offers absurd arguments with a straight fac…

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NPR “Ex-Gay” Report Neither “Fair” Nor “Balanced”

…people for “therapies” that can destroy them psychologically, while buying tickets to Toscano’s shows might result in some good belly laughs, but no pressure to convert. What makes this story so shameful, though, is how the true message is completely glossed over in the pursuit of finding out who is “right” and who is “wrong.” Both Wyler and Toscano are Christian men who were given the message early on in their lives that being gay or lesbian was…

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