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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…ooey, published in 1961, but set in 1955. Here are the highlights: Seymour committed suicide shortly after the War, in 1948, and that loss dominated the entire subsequent career of the siblings. It led to the almost compulsive attempts by the second son, Buddy, to capture some shard of Seymour’s wisdom in words. He was a writer-in-residence at a small women’s college in upstate New York. Boo Boo was a married mother of three, and the twins, Walt a…

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The Myth of the Maya Apocalypse

…lt. All they are saying is that they are incapable of imaging themselves accomplishing something like what the Maya had accomplished. It represents a vast failure of imagination. It is racism against the human race. Tell us how December 21, 2012 came to be the dreaded Maya apocalypse in the first place. The Maya have a long-count calendar, which counts the days that existed before our world, when the gods ruled, followed by the days since the crea…

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The Blockbuster Spirituality of John Green’s “The Fault In Our Stars”

…s” at the center of an Episcopal Church. In the movie Patrick is played by comedian Mike Birbiglia, who channels Kenneth from 30 Rock, smiling in the face of all obstacles. As he earnestly strums a guitar at the start of group, Patrick-as-Christian-song-leader provides a moment of absurdist comic relief. Hazel and Augustus share a cynical distaste for Patrick’s affirmations and therapeutic interventions. Theirs is a post-Twelve Steps worldview, on…

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Trump Doesn’t Need to “Pivot” if Evangelicals Do it For Him

…or tax-exemption within religious institutions, into a series of fact-free flights about the muzzling of Christian speech: The first thing we have to do is give our churches their voice back. It’s been taken away. The Johnson amendment has blocked our pastors and ministers and others from speaking their minds from their own pulpits. If they want to talk about Christianity, if they want to preach, if they want to talk about politics, they’re unable…

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I Was a Stranger: New York Activists Stage a Lenten Action for Sanctuary

…that mass deportations are an “inhuman policy” that “destroys families and communities.” Tobin also accompanied an immigrant threatened with deportation by I.C.E. to a court date, and stated that “we are here today to bear witness and to appeal to the conscience of our nation to spare this man, and countless others like him, whose only offense was to seek a better life for his family.” Bishop Robert MacElroy of San Diego described the travel ban a…

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Literary Critic George Steiner, Whose Views on Anti-Semitism Drew Controversy, Dies at 90

…wrote of the Holocaust in Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966 that “We come after. We know now that a man can read Goethe or Rilke in the evening, that he can play Bach and Schubert, and go to his day’s work at Auschwitz in the morning.” 2001’s Grammars of Creation was an idiosyncratic, almost Kabbalistic theory of what in the context of art and literature the word “creation” could possibly mean, going beyond both materialist explanations and…

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Oral Roberts, Pioneering Christian Zionist

…bertson—jumped on the Israel bandwagon. They also jumped on numerous El Al flights to Tel Aviv, often accompanied by large groups of fellow pilgrims to the Holy Land. In a 1984 interview Falwell asserted that: The destiny of the State of Israel is without question the most crucial international matter facing the world today. I believe that the people of Israel have not only a theological but also a historical and legal right to the land. I am pers…

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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…against LBS applications now offered by Facebook (which just acquired LBS competitor Gowalla) and Google, it’s clear that the social practice of “checking in” wherever you are is taking hold across social media platforms. This has had no small appeal among many lay and ordained ministry leaders, who use LBS to make visible the range of their ministry practice and to alert community members that they’re available for conversation at a nearby coffe…

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…terested in religion. They are spread fairly evenly across education and income levels. And they’re politically diverse when it comes to economic ideas. But they do seem to largely agree on one thing: that mixing religion with politics is a bad idea. Which brings me back to the recent election. If the statistical data seem unreliable, just think back on the extraordinary nature of the debate in 2012. Never before have the culture wars been fought…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…TI people throughout its accession reports. It shows that the EU takes its commitments to human rights seriously.” Commonwealth: ‘Paradise or Persecution’ Campaign Aimed at Tourists UK’s International HIV/AIDS Alliance has launched “Paradise or Persecution,” an effort to raise awareness of anti-LGBT laws and human rights abuses based on sexual orientation or gender identity in countries that are part of the Commonwealth and frequent destinations f…

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