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Tornado Hits the Heartland: Is God Punishing Us?

…ous progressives tend to value compassion over schadenfreude. When someone falls, even if they deserve it, few progressives stand over them and taunt them from above. (The only exceptions that come to mind are closeted gay homophobes like George Rekers and Ted Haggard. But then again, their falls are usually so lurid and ludicrous that you almost have to laugh.) And part of the reason, of course, is that progressives are less likely to believe the…

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A Catholic Turnabout on Abortion or More Sympathy for the Bishops?

…rld’s religions. O’Brien notes that in 2006, the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls “strongly” supported HB 1215 permitting abortion, “to prevent the death of a pregnant mother.” In other words those abortions would not be “unspeakable crimes.” If they were, you could not do evil to accomplish good (a hallowed Catholic axiom), even to save the “pregnant woman.” Sioux Falls was not at one with Rome there. That’s movement. O’Brien is a little short on…

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Personhood Shenanigans

…D [intra-uterine device]. What about the birth control pill? Hoye: If that falls into the same category, yes. Rehm: So you’re saying that the birth control pill could be considered as taking the life of a human being? Hoye: I’m saying that once the egg and the oocyte come together and you have that single-celled embryo, at that point you have human life, you’ve got a human being and we’re taking the life of a human being with some forms of birth c…

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#Occupy: A Deeper Form of Protest?

…e circular movements which are impossible to trace precisely. Who knows, perhaps the collective weight of Occupy-style consciousness-raising will, one day, create the conditions necessary for the kind of changes they want. For sure, it won’t happen before snow falls on Zuccotti Park. When that snow falls, I am sure pundits will say how the movement has failed. So let me preemptively refute them with the following Kabbalistic prediction, taking a c…

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VA Supreme Court Gives Episcopal Church Victory Over Breakaways

…voted to leave the Episcopal Church could not take with them the historic Falls Church, where George Washington was once vestryman. The Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein has the details about this ruling and its larger context: Similar disputes have roiled Episcopal churches around the country and other parts of mainline Christianity, not only on questions of gay equality but also more secular issues related to property rights. The Virginia di…

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Does NIH Head Francis Collins Believe in Intelligent Design?

…se their theism on morality stand—Bloom’s argument has little value. Bloom falls prey to some of the same confusion that’s rather pervasive among non-theistic scientists today: a tendency to treat all arguments for God’s existence as design arguments, and to interpret all design arguments according to the model offered by ID theory. This confusion is understandable. Given how routinely scientists find themselves clashing with ID theorists, it only…

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War Is Not “Hell” It’s “Sin”: Jews and Muslims Hunger Strike Against Violence

…ay of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, a minor fast day in the Jewish calendar, falls in the middle of Ramadan, when Muslims the world over fast during the day to commemorate the month of Mohammad’s prophecy. It also falls at a time when Israel and Hamas are exchanging bombs and rockets aimed at killing the other side. In response, Jews and Muslims have taken the coincidence of the two fasts to establish a “Hunger Strike against Violence.” While Jewish…

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Bishops More Welcoming To LGBT, But Not to Women

…istic language that is able to start from listening to people,” it quickly falls back on the old formulation that Catholics just need “appropriate teaching regarding natural methods” to jump on the natural family planning bandwagon. Despite Pope Francis’ admonishment to the bishops to speak openly at the synod, the outcome regarding contraception was a foregone conclusion. Many of the couples invited to address the bishops were advocates of natura…

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‘Iconoclash’ of Civilizations: Missives from the Image Wars

…down the sacrarium of the church (after being burned if possible). If wine falls on the altar cloth, a garment, or the carpet, they must be washed three times, and the holy water used in the washing meticulously collected and washed away in the sacrarium afterwards. If it falls on the wooden ground or table, the spot must be scraped and anything that could have possibly touched the Eucharist is burned. The attention to detail is absolute. In addre…

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As a Latina Millennial I Have to Ask, Does the Catholic Church Stand a Chance?

…other important issues like economic justice and climate change, it still falls short of acknowledging that a broader, more inclusive view of gender roles, sexual and reproductive health, and sexual expression is crucial to the millennial generation. Laudato si’, the pope’s encyclical on the environment, made global headlines because of its powerful stance against consumerism and its repercussions. Yet, the text falls short of fully resonating wi…

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