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Moses on the Mayflower: Was the Prophet a Founding Father?

…rmer underground railway, tries on Charlton Heston’s Moses costume from the 1950s blockbuster The Ten Commandments, and even reports on a private meeting with George W. Bush in the White House.  In a nutshell, Feiler claims that “Moses is our real founding father.” For Feiler, as for others engaged in the battles to refigure national identity and purpose, this is historical claim is deeply intertwined with a broader normative agenda. He frames his…

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Campaigns of Omission

…issues in the cash-strapped state. Sekulow tweeted after the results were official, “called 4 Bob McDonnell here in VA – huge victory for GOP, conservatives, and Regent alums everywhere (Regent in Gov mansion).” McDonnell, in other words, portrayed himself as a moderate while letting his opponent fight the culture war. He wasn’t about to reprise his 2003 position that engaging in anal or oral sex might disquality someone from being a judge; his 1…

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Hitchens Debates Conservative Evangelical: Nothing Happens

…ns that get the fans cheering, both sides can declare victory. There is no official scoreboard, and each can return to his respective constituencies at the end of the day and spin the contest as a win. Wilson can go back to his evangelical fan base and say, as he did in the Piper interview, “Hitchens has no argument… he just doesn’t like God.” He can point to the vagueness with which Hitchens responded when asked to provide, on his naturalistic as…

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…m a modern-day prophet in Sojourners. During the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attack, Reverend Billy began to cross the line from performer to actual pastor. This happened not in an official sense—”I think it would be a mistake for Reverend Billy to be ordained in organized religion,” says Talen—but through an organic process. While many turned to traditional religion in that period, those who felt outside of it gravitated to Billy. “People…

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Weird Testament: The Bible Gets the R. Crumb Treatment

…ore specifically, sanctimoniousness—was a common target. Yesterday, October 19, was the official publication date of Crumb’s Book of Genesis Illustrated, a work five years in the making. Far from the sharp satire that one might expect from the creator of Fritz the Cat and Mr. Natural, Genesis is a remarkably straight, even reverent, adaptation. In his introduction, Crumb explains that he avoided adding interpretation or clearing up confusing passa…

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Patron Saint of AIDS/HIV To Be Canonized

…pel is also named for him.) Father Damien’s canonization will occur October 11 at a ceremony beginning at 10 a.m. in St. Peter’s Square. As the Catholic World Service has noted, eleven lepers and nine Boy Scouts from the Saint Damien Boy Scouts of Oahu will be in attendance. (Yes, paradox arises yet again: lepers and a boys from a notably homophobic organization). So, canonization. On the one hand, critiques of the use of leprosy as an analogy for…

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Double Helix: Science & Religion as Cultural Kindling; A Response to The New Republic

…of a scientific way of knowing. Again, Coyne’s implication and really the official scientific position of many is that, therefore, spiritual experiences are at best not worth as much as scientific experiences and, at worst, not worth anything. There’s the counter-claim to those who say, “Science itself is a religion, so how can scientists badmouth religion?” Coyne argues, as many have before him, that science is not a religion. What counts as evi…

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Catholic Child Neglect: DC Archdiocese Cuts Adoption Rather Than Abide Same-Sex Parents

…l the Catholic Church’s rhetoric on family and human life the Archdiocesan officials would have a little shame about abandoning their work with children. If they could bring themselves to confront the dire needs of DC’s foster children, they would hide their faces rather than be connected with any policy that would prevent children from being placed in loving homes regardless of the gender constellation of the parents. Alas, there is a shortage of…

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The Nation of Islam at the End of the Apocalyptic Age?

…anager and consultant to Rev. Jesse Jackson’s presidential runs in 1984 and 1988. “There has not been an official word from the Nation about Obama,” Walters said. “It would be out of character for Mr. Farrakhan to have a press conference to make a statement.” Out of character for Farrakhan, and out of character for a Nation that is learning to be cautious of interjecting into presidential politics. It is just one more indication of how the Nation…

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Text of Terror: A Bill Granting LGBT Citizens Equal Rights Evokes Biblical Citation

…itan society synonymous—then and now—with cultural confusion. For a deeply spiritual people trying to hold on to their distinctive identity in a violent world, drawing sharp boundaries between the sacred and profane is an understandable response to collective trauma. In terms of their respective powers of self-determination, the society that produced Leviticus and the modern-day Christian movement that has appropriated it couldn’t be more differen…

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