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Pop-Eye: Blind Faith and the Invisible Font

…collected. Helvetica, whether we are conscious of it or not, has become a central visual reference in modern Western culture. Two tabs. One sacred and one profane? The Internet as a mode of erasing such differences? But the truth is more complex. What I am after here is not a discourse on the reduction of all messages, great and small, to the medium of the Web page, interesting as that might be; but rather the constant interrelation of the medium…

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Christianity Without the Cross

…ters spent five years sniffing out evidence that the cruciform symbol, the central image of Christianity, arrived very late on the scene. Indeed, it was not important during the first millennium of Christian history. For evidence they went to the art. The search took them to Rome, Ravenna, and Turkey; then to Germany. “It took Jesus a long time to die,” Brock says. Not until 965 in northern Germany was the life-sized oak crucifix called the Gero C…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…network of skilled graduates. In 2005, the Bentonville company entered the Central American market, drawing together existing chains in Costa Rica and Guatemala that had employed Walton graduates.” What amazes me is that even as we dreamed of a progressive, cosmopolitan, egalitarian, and cooperative counterculture, the Waltons of the world created one that now spans the globe. Equally striking is that their world looks to them the same way we woul…

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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…ertified nurse midwives, who have extensive medical training) from Central Indiana Home Birth Midwives. According to retired OB-GYN blogger Amy Tuteur, the midwife told Chmielewski that she was carrying twins, and maintained her diagnosis despite an ultrasound that only revealed one fetus, claiming that one twin was “hiding” behind the other. As Chmielewski was nearly three weeks past her due date, the midwife advised her to wait; when the baby wa…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…ettlers have begun to use the language of “security”—even though it is not central to their ideology—because it sells in the world, especially to American Jews, who constitute a crucial support group. Second, the Russian immigration in the late 1980s brought a large group of secular Jews (and non-Jews) who, being the victims of anti-Semitism, have little or no sympathy for the Arabs; whether citizens of Arab countries, Israeli citizens, or inhabit…

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“Not a Christian Book”: The Perils of the Amazon Book Review

…Ishmael, the son of Hagar. To dismiss this double blessing is to dismiss a central principle of the Bible, the law of love, not hate; of peace, not war. To slam the door against other religious traditions is to shut the door in the face of the stranger. Isn’t it our duty to reach out to those we do not know and treat these individuals as we would like to be treated ourselves? I suppose I should be grateful to my critical reviewer. In the past I ha…

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Gun Ownership: ‘An Obligation to God’

…nine co-sponsors in the Senate and was introduced in the House by Alabama Republican Robert Aderholt, who had 50 co-sponsors, including now-Minority Whip Eric Cantor, now-Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, and Rep. Mike Pence, who is thought to be considering a 2012 presidential run. Partners In Arms: Militias, the Religious Right, and Biblical Law The militia movement and Christian Reconstructionism both contend that our current civil government,…

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Sex Miseducation: Prof Fired for Pushing Catholic ‘Natural Law’

…, and began to shift their language on the purpose of marriage from a unit promoting children to a unit promoting love, support, and fellowship. In 1927, Jewish professor of Talmud, Jacob Lauterbach, famously presented his “Talmudic–Rabbinic View on Birth Control,” which maintained that as long as a couple was able to have both a boy and girl over the course of their marriage, their responsibility to propagate the race was fulfilled and therefore…

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The Scandal of the Cross

…g on your perspective) in the culture wars of Reagan-era America. In 1989, Republican senator Jesse Helms denounced the photo, characterizing Serrano as “not an artist” but a “jerk.” Not to be outdone in zealous outrage, Alphonse D’Amato took to the senate floor to tear up a copy of the maligned image, using it as part of a case for restrictions on NEA funding. Attacks eventually extended to prints of the photo itself (it was created in an edition…

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Egypt Protests Upset Assumptions About the
Arab World

…their most hopeful supporters. Reports from the scenes in Tahrir square in central Cairo describe a level of cooperation unseen in recent memory; people share their water, bring each other blankets, hold hands to ward off security forces and face down tanks in a scene widely-regarded as Egypt’s Tiananmen Square moment. These protests are nonsectarian and do not hew to established ideologies, disproving yet another common assumption in political sc…

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