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Soccer and the Sublime in the Shadow of Apartheid

…e platform to see a world less so. It is a human event that allows for any number of sins from the calendar of human frailty. You can bask in the craft of Leonel Messi, who manipulates the ball like a marionette to puppet; but you cannot be free of the ego of coach, villain, and Saint, Diego Maradona, pacing the sideline, looking for an opportunity to abscond with the limelight. The glaring example for this year’s tournament comes in the form of a…

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Andy Stern, Anti-Idolatrous Prophet

Who knew? Andy Stern, the former head of the Service Employees International Union who now sits on President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, said the United States needs an economic plan that does not include “worshipping” the free market. “America needs a 21st century economic plan because we now know the market-worshipping, privatizing, de-regulating, dehumanizing American financial plan has failed and should ne…

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Will Ordination of Women Bishops Cause Anglican Schism?

…Anglican traditionalists, the Church of England is moving one step closer to the ordination of women bishops; a move that some fear will further fracture an Anglican Communion already split along international faultlines over the ordination of gay clergy. Will diverging perspectives on gender and sexuality determine the shape of the 21st-century Christian world?…

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Zeitgeist A Blend Of Skepticism, Metaphysical Spirituality, and Conspiracy

…f the analysis of Zeitgeist and Loughner has focused on its ideas about an international banking conspiracy that uses currency to foster debt slavery with the goal of instituting a one world government. But such analysis only accounts for part of what is going on in the film. As Jesse Walker points out, in the case of Zeitgeist the labels “left” and “right” are pretty useless descriptors. Rather than placing the film, and by proxy Loughner, on the…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…tention and interrogation in countries where—in the CIA’s view—federal and international legal safeguards do not apply; in other words, to countries that torture. The U.S. has long been engaged in torture: from the genocide of native peoples, to the lynching of African Americans, to the School of the Americas, to the Tuskegee Institute, to the treatment of prisoners in US prisons. And, as this most recent case shows, US torture culture is not limi…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…o hell, psychological instability of returning veterans with unprecedented numbers committing suicide, veteran services stretched thin—these are only a few items that come to mind though they only scratch the surface of the psychic, social, and cultural scars inflicted by this war. Historically and across cultures, warfare is often the most religious event in the life of any society. Is it any different here, in America, with this war? The patriot…

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In Wake of Murder in Uganda, LGBT Group Protests Prayer Breakfast

…zation. Pastor Scott Lively, president of a group called Defend the Family International, who is not connected to the Family but is considered an instigator of homophobia in Uganda, wrote on the group’s website: Ugandan homosexual activist David Kato was recently beaten to death with a hammer, a horrific crime. These very media have rushed eagerly to judge this a hate crime and to blame those, like me, who have spoken against homosexuality in Ugan…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…re. The Origins of the Fight for Women’s Equality in the Church St. Joan’s International Alliance, a suffrage group founded in London in 1911, was the first to raise the ordination question. According to Belgian writer Anne Marie Pelzer, the Alliance put to the Holy Father its first official request for women to become deacons (1961), then for lay men and women to be present at the Council, as observers and experts (1962). In 1963, it presented a…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…is “initiative” was David Bahati, the Ugandan parliamentarian who achieved international notoriety for introducing the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009,” a bill that sought to introduce the death penalty for certain same-sex consensual acts. Commenting on the Rolling Stone article, Mr. Bahati said that the campaign “would have been very helpful to law enforcement of these people; it would have been a great source for law enforcement.” David Kato w…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…pear more broadly based. The Polish seminarians’ banner conveys a message. International delegations from France and Ireland had similarly Catholics flavors. But finding Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, Pagan, and other participants was not easy. Evangelical Christians put on a rock concert in a nearby park after the march this year. It was advertised by “Rock for Life” with the logo of a fetus playing an electric guitar. They offered some diversity. T…

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