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Going Even Deeper on Santorum’s Comment

…people whom the law doesn’t consider “human.” In the 19th century, it was African-Americans; in the 21st century, it’s children in the womb. This is a common point at the annual March for Life. In 2009, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry told activists at the pro-life event: “You are the new abolitionists. You are the new civil-rights movement.” Jamelle Bouie rips into Santorum’s attempt to analogize abortion to slavery. But I actually think Santorum is aimin…

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Dreaming Beyond the Madman: Reflections on the Revolution in Libya

…ya is among the most autocratic and brutal of the Middle Eastern and North African states, and Qaddafi has revealed himself to be as cruel as Saddam Hussein. He has used his Air Force and his Navy against his own people. Libyan diplomatic delegations, to their credit, are everywhere turning on Brother Leader, and members of the Air Force and Navy have defected rather than use force. But we don’t really know what is happening on the ground, and it’…

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The King of Irony

…ican and Indigenous Americans have suffered much worse. Up into the 1930s, Republicans attacked the Democrats as “the party of rum, Romanism, and rebellion,” and a Democratic president’s heritage was questioned with sneers at “Franklin Rosenfeld.” Haven’t the American people learned? King is perpetuating an American tradition, but one that should have been sent the way of Jim Crow segregation, not to preserve as part of our “American way of life.”…

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The Most Embarrassing Losers Ever?

…OP prospects are trying to outdo each other, leading Herman Cain, the only African-American in the bunch, to come out with some of the most overtly bigoted statements against Muslims. (Perhaps the white candidates don’t have to try quite as strenuously.) But they’re all tapping into something that was already there: an evangelical base that buys John Hagee’s theodicy but not Jeremiah Wright’s, that looks to the Bible for guidance on foreign policy…

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Civil Rights’ Roughneck Preacher, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth (1922-2011)

…said of him: “I believe Shuttlesworth personified a significant essence of African American spirituality and the black way of being Christian.” Most of the remembrances about Shuttlesworth highlight his relationship to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., his work in Birmingham, and the non-invitation to King’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in 1964. But Shuttlesworth should also be remembered for being the one, in a time of non-violent protest, to give up hi…

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Where are the Clergy? A Report from Occupy DC

…ng activities; its repeal led to the financial services products that were central to the catastrophic economic collapse of 2008.) Actions with Consequences In the main, the sign listing the Occupy DC goals was heavier on wonkery than anarchism; albeit laden with some highly generalized goals (“foist off the corporate hijacking of society and politics!”). Merritt questioned why religious groups motivated by “social justice,” the term used by progr…

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Margaret Thatcher: A Muslim’s Perspective

…esentations of an offended religious minority were ignored for the sake of freedom of speech, only to have international consequences. Although the Rushdie affair erupted in 1989 with the publication of The Satanic Verses, toward the end of Thatcher’s period in power, the author of that book has recently appreciated the support he received from Thatcher when offering his own reflections on her life. One wonders whether a more diplomatic British le…

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Rick Santorum’s Crusade To Save “Christendom”

…director of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Program to Promote and Protect America’s Freedom. In that role, he made combatting “jihadis” a focal point of his activities. But Santorum never let go of his old culture war issues — in fact they became a central facet of his ideology against Islam. I had the chance to interview Santorum in late 2007, as the Republican presidential primary was in full swing, and the candidates were t…

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Election Update: Oklahoma Bans Shari’ah Law

…of Shari’ah which are never fully conclusive, because Islam recognizes no central authority to define those readings once and for all. Thus Islam’s decentralization, its many competing discourses, all pushing and pulling around a body of texts that are nearly universally agreed upon—but over whose interpretations most debates never end. What most Americans don’t realize is that we already have interpretations of Shari’ah law in our country; or, a…

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For Buddhism, Science is Not a Killer of Religion

…re in this universe was Mount Meru? On the surface of a sphere there is no central or special point for it to rest. Of course, the modern scientific idea finally took hold, but, due to the remoteness of Tibet, it was not until the 20th century that it made its way fully to that land. The Dalai Lama has been in power since 1960, so cosmology has been a live issue for him. How does he handle the mount Mount Meru question? Very simply. On Monday he l…

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