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The Catholic-Evangelical (Non-)Coalition

…ion (49%), while three-quarters of white Evangelicals said it was wrong. Similarly, Smith found that by the early 1980s Catholics were “more liberal than Protestants on approving of premarital sex and of sex education.” On the newer issue of same-sex marriage, Catholic opinion has tended to be slightly more favorable than the population as a whole and way more favorable than Evangelical opinion. The 2007 Pew Poll found that 42% of Catholics expres…

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Post-Election, “Is The Black Church Dead?” Redux

…oters out in record numbers as they did in 2008, even though a poll in the New York Times showed his favorables to be extremely high in the African-American community, while he is losing traction with other groups who voted for him in 2008. Issues in the community surrounding foreclosures and unemployment are likely to continue. If the black church writ large is to have any stake in the 2012 election, it needs to be organized around issues that ma…

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For Conservatives, the Future Looks Dim… and Gay

…talk that’s turning off younger voters. The College Republican National Committee commissioned its own poll of college-aged Republicans, and what they found doesn’t bode well for the GOP’s future. If young voters primarily thought the Republican Party’s policy plan in 2012 was to prevent gay marriage and to ensure very low taxes for very rich people. . . it’s understandable that a large majority voted the other way. . . . Opposition to gay marriag…

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“Can You Tell Me Who The Villains Are?”: Rock and Religion, Irish-Style

…us, they imagined the spiritual predicament of Bishop Casey and Annie: Oh, mighty, mighty Lord almighty It’s off with the collar and off with the nightie Jesus, Mary, and holy Saint Joseph The beads are rattling now! In 1996, Moran and Carton tackled the subject of abortion, which is still illegal in Ireland. They called their moving, genuinely feminist plea for legalization “Every Day.” It’s about young women taking the boat to England to seek op…

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Conservative Republican Muslim Condemns Fox Report on Congressional Staffers as “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

…“if al-Awaki came, we would condemn that. If he came, it was years before anyone knew who he was and before he had an association with al Qaeda,” adding “it was not like he was invited after he went to Yemen and became an al Qaeda leader.” The reason why video of the events exist, Khan said, is that as a community the staffers decided the prayer events should be open to the public. Reporters from all over the world have attended the prayer events,…

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Religious Leaders On Anti-Muslim Frenzy: “Silence Is Not An Option”

…d many of the “experts” interviewed in those documentaries, have been disseminated to millions of Americans through churches, synagogues, and political campaigns. Mattson lamented the lack of resources to respond to those sorts of distortions about Islam, but, she added, “it really shouldn’t be only our responsibility. There are so many so-called ‘experts’ about Islam [on television] but these are people who have no expertise, no academic credenti…

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Anti-Gay Violence Rages in Gambia; Conservative ‘Complementarity’ Confab; Coming Out in Iraq Can Be Death Sentence; Global LGBT Recap

…raq have long been persecuted. But the rising tide of turmoil today puts many at imminent risk of death. The Islamic State prescribes death for the “practice” of homosexuality. Furthermore, evidence gathered for two briefings by IGLHRC and its partners, MADRE and the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, demonstrate the direct effect of the collapse of the rule of law on LGBT persons, through unfettered violence by sectarian militias. While the…

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Ministries of Presence: A Report from Nepal

…trekkers and construction workers, which is, essentially, what they were. Mitch Lown, Johnny Kruger, and Chad Clark—three friends from LaCrosse who, because of their Christian faith, felt called to come to Nepal to help in whatever way they could, just as they had a few years ago after the devastating earthquake in Haiti. They didn’t have a plan and only a few local connections, but they showed up with their tools and their skills and a willingne…

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7 Women Scholars On the Gender Divide in Religious Studies, the Power of Mentors, and Leading While Female

…re the year before I arrived and everyone was fired up. Nelle Morton, a prominent feminist theologian, retired in Claremont about that time as well and become a sort of spiritual mother for many of us. Laurie Maffly-Kipp: In addition to my formal mentors, I have also been “mentored” by groups of peers, including a writing group of women in history, literature, and anthropology that I have met with for nearly twenty years, and a cohort of faculty l…

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‘My Name is Legion’: Sources and Forces of White Supremacy in the U.S.

…in the U.S., identifying it only with a few outlier individuals and groups minimizes both the quality and the quantity of white supremacist ferment. Explicit white supremacy gained a noticeable following beginning with the emergence of the Ku Klux Klan in the years following the Civil War. By the 1920s, as many as six million people across the U.S. were estimated to be members of the Klan and subscribers to its agenda of resisting black social pro…

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