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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…I attended in the 1990s was whether or not the plot was controlled by the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones Society, the Corporate Elites, the Bilderbergers, or the agents of Satan in the End Times. Occasionally, someone would pull me aside and whisper that it was actually the Jews. The ’90s militias are widely seen as part of a right-wing populist revolt against the administration of Democrat Bill Clinton, but it actually began under the administr…

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Na’vi and Goliath: Palestinian Protesters Dress as Avatar Underdogs

…een going on for almost five years and have attracted the attention of the international media, the photos of the blue-painted demonstrators were seen around the world. The conflict at Bilin revolves around disputes over the West Bank separation barrier—what many Israelis call the ‘security fence’ and what Palestinians refer to as the ‘racial segregation wall.’ The section of the barrier that runs through Bilin separates the villagers from their f…

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Israeli Right Demonizes Israeli Left, With American Money

…. The what, why and how of the Israeli offensive not only opened Israel to international condemnation but also galvanized internal critics who charged that the military operation had gone too far—and continues to do so as an Israeli blockade still prevents supplies and reconstruction materials from reaching local residents. Many Israelis have called for an independent civilian investigation of last year’s events, but thus far the government has re…

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Christian Imperialism in Haiti? Missionaries, Theo-tourism, and the Invasion of the Global South

…are more entrenched) will affect the future of Catholicism in this nation. International money and support will flood into Haiti on behalf of every Christian denomination that has ever had a foothold there, especially as communities go through the work of rebuilding. This aid is desperately needed, along with the presence of aid workers, yet the imperialist attitude that generally accompanies this mission work, this idea that we are “saving the po…

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The Tebow Effect

…of State who just last month, in commemorating the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, declared: More than 215 million women worldwide lack access to the modern forms of contraception, and this contributes to the nearly 20 million unsafe abortions that take place very year. Sexually transmitted diseases, of course including, but not limited to, HIV and AIDS, claim millions of lives annually amon…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

…xhilaration of survival is so pure that you begin to wonder how true human freedom is possible without it. Through the power of James Cameron’s special-effects sorcery, you lose yourself in the hypnotic colors and cadences of this majestic new world, ego subsumed in bioluminescent wonder, sense of self humbled and transformed by an enchanting, nurturing, all-encompassing immanence. Then the lights turn on in the theater, and you find that your sne…

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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…gical schema? Robertson would say that Haiti’s centuries-long struggle for freedom, sovereignty, and dignity is indeed a demonic project—but it would have been hard for captive Africans in Saint-Domingue to embrace the divine character of their colonizers’ Christian God. What the colonial ruling class understood to be either divine or demonic in the Christian pantheon, the enslaved African laborers had to have understood as one and the same evil f…

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Israel Claims Holy Sites, Reignites Religious Flashpoint

…and Muslims are not welcome. As an occupying power, Israel is required by international law to preserve the status quo and to act for the benefit of the local civilian population. But Israel claimed security reasons for its Jewish-only access. “These are Muslim holy sites,” explained Sheikh Taysir Tamimi, head of the Palestinian Shari’a Islamic courts. Tamimi remembers praying in the Bilal Mosque as a child before the Israeli occupation. Today he…

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Right Makes Might: The President as Political Realist

…justified force “to defend the victims of wanton aggression, or to secure freedom for the oppressed”—if not both. Within this framework, one can appreciate how forces threatening US security historically have placed their own people under the lash. It is no coincidence, then, that the Civil War put an end to slavery, World War II shut down the concentration camps, or Operation Enduring Freedom abolished the Taliban’s repressive rule. Indeed war’s…

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American Fever: A Tale of Romance and Pestilence

…narrator composes a blog that chronicles his city’s struggles and wins an international following. The novel contains several plotlines, including the narrator’s own difficulties in forging personal relationships, his need for and fear of social isolation, and the impromptu groups that emerge to care for victims of the crisis. But what makes American Fever compelling is that way that Hall has insinuated the novel within existing networks of infor…

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