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The Myth of the Maya Apocalypse

…zero, a numerical system that allows you to do calculations of very large numbers very precisely. The Maya fell in love with numbers too cumbersome to calculate with Roman numerals. The Maya believed these numbers created some sort of godly power. Say, by some miracle, that 12/21/12 does turn out to be the end of the world… how would you spend your last day on Earth? I would get together with the people I love and tell them how much I really love…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…iversity and became, for a news cycle or so, a symbol of all that had gone wrong. Once Media Matters posted an unrelenting criticism of his past writing, the hire set off a firestorm of criticism because Ambrosino is, in the words of The American Prospect’s Gabriel Arana, “the gay writer who comes to the defense of gay-rights antagonists.” Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern characterized “a typical Ambrosino article” as one that “takes a self-consciously c…

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Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World

…nd to films in ways they don’t respond to standard textbooks. Don’t get me wrong, I continue to be an avid reader (I’m all into short stories these days) and, of course, I wrote a book about films. I continue to have my students read words, but I’ve increasingly felt that these words must be put into dialogue with the fleshed-out realities of life. Films are arguably not “fleshed out” either, at least in their fictionalized guises, but they do reg…

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Female Breadwinners=Death of Civilization, Says Fox Panel

…ns. Commentator Juan Williams lamented that “something [is] going terribly wrong in American society.” Blogger Erick Erickson went further, claiming, “When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society, and the other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complementary role. We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to…

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Nostalgia Voters? Not Really. Trump and His Supporters Value This More Than the Past

…on’s past while dreading America’s future as a dystopic hellscape. We were wrong. Look at the figure below. The most noticeable pattern is that most Americans―whomever they intend to vote for―remain optimistic about the nation’s future. Moreover, comparatively few Americans who support either candidate believe America is experiencing its best days right now. Nevertheless, look at the comparisons. Trump’s supporters are no more likely than Biden’s…

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Ian Buruma on the Political Excesses of Religion

…nd in the 17th century became such a successful commercial society. It was wrong to be ostentatious—you didn’t show it off—but the accumulation showed that you were one of the chosen ones. Sometimes it seems like we’re simply “consumers.” Yeah, but citizens as well. On the level of local politics for example, I think Americans are much more engaged in civic affairs than Europeans are. Really? Part of my time I live in upstate New York, and when th…

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Yes, Virginia: There IS a War on Christmas: Its Revolutionary Meaning is Inverted in the Winner-Take-All Era

…y “OK, boomer”?). I am also acutely troubled by something deeply, horribly wrong about any seasonal celebration. This wrongness has nothing to do with Impeachable Him. It has nothing to do with commercialization, and/or secularization, in relation to December 25. This is not that kind of rant. I am troubled instead by the way in which the greatest beneficiaries of a season that is supposed to be all about exalting valleys and leveling mountains—ab…

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Proposition 8, Mormonism, and the Other Fight for Alternative Marriage

…t their sale, even in Utah. There is the assumption that however wicked or wrong a certain behavior might be, it need not overwhelm the efforts of the Latter-day Saints to be righteous, and that, furthermore, God can adequately judge and punish those whose behavior he finds abhorrent, no matter how legal or acceptable it might be here on Earth. Tyler Barrick, whose June 17, 2008 marriage to Spencer Jones is depicted in the film, is descended from…

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Obama Recognizes Gay Dads

…exual parenting would not be worthy of celebration, LaBarbera said: “It is wrong to force children into a situation where they have two men modeling immoral behavior — condemned by God and all major religions — as the most important role models in their lives.” Aside from the “scare quotes” around the word “faithful,” LaBarbera makes no sense here. What “immoral behavior” is he talking about? Does he really believe gay dads have sex in front of th…

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