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Wheaton and the “Same God” Controversy: A Theological Opportunity Squandered?

…for relationship with God; moral precepts are ordered to the knowledge and service of this God. This philosophical language and these intertextual themes are less prominent in Christian thought today, especially among Protestants. Where Christianity’s similarities with the monotheisms—whether of Greeks, Jews, or Muslims—were once central to Christian interfaith apologetics, now it is the distinctive marks that predominate. Some evangelicals have a…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…especially regular churchgoers, to redirect their giving. There are untold numbers of religious/spiritual non-profits, including women’s religious orders that are good alternatives to the local parish for providing services in the community. If one is conscience stricken about worshipping in a building one does not pay to heat, I suggest either worshipping elsewhere for a while and/or placing a check in the collection made out to the power company…

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The Jewish Daily Forward is Neither Jewish, Nor Daily (But Still Forward). Discuss!

…new, more vocally right-leaning competition as of 2011 in the Jewish News Service. One might expect a certain flavor of conservatism from The Forward, a 118-year-old legacy newspaper, that was originally (and still is) published in Yiddish, a language that few people speak. It would be easy to lump the Forward into the shrinking-but-still-present national network of Jewish print newspapers, some affiliated with local Jewish Federation organizatio…

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#VanillaISIS, White Tears and the Adventures of Captain Moroni

…American Taliban,” described Mormon fundamentalist women in “burqa-like” prairie dresses, and warned of Mormon fundamentalist oppression of women. These comparisons to Islamic extremism helped authorize the single largest protective custody seizure in American history, when Texas law enforcement and social service workers removed more than 400 children from the Yearning for Zion ranch in El Dorado, Texas. Comparisons between Mormons and Muslims us…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…heads with the cardinal as she followed him around the world for more than 15 years, received a letter from him on the day he died thanking her for her journalistic service and her “many kindnesses” to him, as well as offering what would be a final blessing to her and those she loves.) Cardinal George leans on his bishop’s crozier during a mass in Chicago. Photo via the Archdiocese of Chicago. Above all, he was a deep thinker. About the philosoph…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…mination against adolescent girls, ethnic and religious minorities, street children, hijab, early and forced marriage and other forms of discrimination. Greenland: Same-Sex Couples Can Marry on April 1 The final legislative hurdles to marriage equality legislation were cleared this week and same-sex couples will be able to marry on April 1, reports The Perchy Bird.    …

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Clinton’s Faith Talk Not New, But Was There a Better Answer?

…o-Clinton project Correct the Record, recently wrote for the Religion News Service about his admiration for Clinton’s faith and how he has “loved every second of getting to know this woman with such strong Midwest, Methodist sensibilities.” Faith Voters for Hillary tweets quotes from Clinton that promote this view of her faith. Quoting her remarks at a 2007 forum on faith for Democratic presidential candidates, the group highlighted that she prays…

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Militias, Trump, Guns, and ISIS: Too much Masculinity?

…ed invigorated spaces where men might express purpose in ways that lead to service and civic engagement instead of to hostility and violence. But the first step is to understand that in an age defined by sensational expressions of purpose in an outrage-focused media sphere, changing the subject will be quite a challenge. * We interviewed 55 Protestant men for the study—24 Evangelical men and 31 Ecumenical men. Since we did a round of family interv…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

…ers who appropriate the bindi do it for fashion. I’ve seen a few do it for spiritual reasons though, and in my opinion they’re just as bad. Either way, you’re taking something that’s not yours and changing the meaning. How much more selfish can you get?” Hera—whose signature look includes long skirts, red lipstick, and a traditional bindi hand-drawn with vermilion powder—said she got “a lot of funny stares” because of her bindi when she was younge…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…allenge of providing members of their communities with physical as well as spiritual food. There has been a feeling that the church needs to be a genuine driver of change—not another server of empty rhetoric, and definitely not another actor complicit in a white supremacist system. Rev. Dr. Heber Brown’s Black Church Food Security Network is a standout example of the church stepping in where the government and other institutions have failed. Rev….

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