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클릭계열ゴ{lv-2021,ᴄθm 텔레rθrθrθ⑴⑴9 코드AAAAㅡ✂도박사이트 바카라놀이터✐슬롯놀이터♦슬롯놀이터❊클릭계열

The Evangelical Abortion Myth: An Excerpt from ‘Bad Faith’

…invoke the moniker “new abolitionists” in an apparent effort to ally themselves with their antebellum evangelical predecessors who sought to eradicate the scourge of slavery. The rhetoric about abortion being the catalyst for the rise of the Religious Right, however, collapses under scrutiny. Evangelicals considered abortion a “Catholic issue” until the late 1970s. In 1968, the flagship evangelical magazine Christianity Today convened a conference…

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A New Book Argues That This ‘Divine Institution’ is the Key to Understanding White Evangelical Culture

…at can appear apolitical to evangelicals. But when evangelicals find themselves questioning the goodness of the patriarchal family—when they want to include gay families in their church, or empower women to challenge male dominance—they quickly find themselves on the outside looking in. Evangelicalism is shrinking and aging. Young former evangelicals frequently cite the politicization of the church as a primary reason for their departure. This exo…

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Latest Diatribe on Francis and Latin Mass in the Times Launders the History — and Troubling Elements — of the ‘Tradition’

…t Reformation—about the same time seating was introduced to churches themselves. The architecture of Catholic churches built before modernity emphasized this distinction, with rings of sacred space radiating outward from the altar. Only churchmen would be allowed in the choir, which would be separated from the rest of the building by some sort of screen. If anything, the removal of the screens and turning of the priest to face the congregation all…

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Evangelical Fiction Helped Shape a Culture of Faith — Along with Suspicion, Fear, and Resentment

…istian Fiction Shaped a Culture and a Faith Daniel Silliman Eerdmans Oct 5, 2021 Silliman explains that the evangelical publishing and marketing industry grew out of an earlier dissolution of denominational publishers and bookstores. Denominations had been the organizing structure of Protestantism until after the Second World War, he notes, and denominational publishing thrived because “a denomination could double as a distribution network.” Silli…

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We Would Be Wise to Pay Attention to Trump’s Apocalyptic QAnon Posting Spree

…rs. And not because, post-Q, the beliefs have gone away: a PRRI survey from 2021 showed that as many as one in five Americans believes one of the core ideas of QAnon. Maybe it’s because, for the last two years, Trump has been openly embracing the rhetoric of the conspiracy movement. Maybe it’s because post-January 6th, rhetoric scares us less than open coup attempts. Or maybe it’s the fatigue of being told that a bizarre conspiracy theory like QAn…

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