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Election Day: Hope, Heartbreak, Naiveté, and Studs Terkel

…l, too, religion is being used to promote discrimination: Proposition 8 in California seeks to annihilate gay marriage rights, though they have been confirmed by the California Supreme Court, by amending the California Constitution. The Prop. 8 campaign has effectively played on fear and the ingrained religious notions of marriage that most people retain, no matter what religion—or even lack of religion – they profess. (“Honk if you’re for traditi…

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Mormons React to Prop. 8 Ruling

…Northern District Court Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling Wednesday overturning California’s Proposition 8. An official statement released Wednesday afternoon by the LDS Newsroom reads: “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regrets today’s decision. California voters have twice been given the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage in their state and both times have determined that marriage should be recognized as only between a ma…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…ctuary Movement, supporting the leadership of its UU Church of Long Beach, California, which was an early sanctuary congregation. At our most recent GA we passed an Action of Immediate Witness condemning SB 1070 and calling for action to stop copycat legislation in others states and to work for humane federal immigration reform. Clearly, the UUA was grounded in strong policy. But frankly, almost all the major faith bodies have strong policy positi…

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Shukr: Gratitude

…on an ongoing basis. But do we give thanks? I live out in the Bay Area in California and I remember the horrible news of the earthquake in the 80s when the bridge over the bay between San Francisco and Berkeley collapsed. For me, every time I cross this bridge I give thanks. I say, simply, thank you Allah for NOT having this bridge fall while I ride across it. Because, I would imagine all those who lost their lives or were injured on that fateful…

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Republicans Lead the Way
on Repeal of “Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell”

…from serving openly, has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge in California. U.S. district judge Virginia A. Phillips wrote in an 85-page opinion handed down late Thursday that the DADT statute, passed by Congress in 1993, violates both the First Amendment and due process rights of gay service members. Phillips further ordered a permanent injunction barring enforcement of DADT. “The evidence at trial demonstrated that [DADT] does not fur…

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Mormons Prepare for WA Marriage Equality Fight

…ate [in February 2012]. Because I had heard so much about what happened in California—how many members left the Church, how many wards became battlegrounds—I became really concerned about Church involvement. I called the group leading the charge against marriage equality and asked them if the LDS Church was getting involved, and the staffer on the phone said, “We’re meeting with church leaders right this minute; they’re at lunch with Focus on the…

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Pro-Gay Marriage Mormon Keeps Faith Despite Church Pressure

…LDS Church leaders asked members to support the Proposition 8 campaign in California, Melanie did as so many other observant Mormons: she searched her heart and mind and prayed earnestly for guidance. Then, she received an answer that she should not support the proposed ban on same-sex marriage. On the internet, she found Mormons for Marriage, a website founded by Laura Compton, a California Mormon and mother of two, to offer community to LDS peo…

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The Silly Calls for Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

…or example, the report discusses an investigation of Planned Parenthood in California, precipitated by one of the PP staff accusing the organization of overbilling Medicaid for family planning services. This is, we are meant to believe, a serious indictment of Planned Parenthood of California, and moreover, one piece of a growing mountain of evidence casting suspicion on the entire organization. Actually, here’s what happened, according to the LA…

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Anti-LGBT Equality NOM Seeks Legal Protection from Glaring

…Po outlines a couple of the examples given in NOM court papers including a California ice cream parlor that got picketed by gay rights supporters after the owners contributed to Proposition 8: In another instance in Washington state, an opponent of marriage equality was collecting petition signatures to challenge a law granting legal protections to same-sex couples, when two ladies “glared at him and one said ‘we have feelings too.’” He did not re…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…e group under Episcopal auspices. Robert K. Ross, President and CEO of The California Endowment, a donor agency issued a wonderful letter spelling out why the Endowment donated $50,000 and asking other people and agencies to do the same. He wrote: While civic and public discourse these days seems to be dominated by scapegoating, intolerance, and even hate—Arizona’s anti-immigration legislation and California’s Prop. 8 battle embody such activity—w…

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