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Jewish Past/Israeli Future: A Review of The Invention of the Jewish People

…the population). The aspiration of these critics is that Israel become “a republic of its citizens,” one in which no ethnic groups would be favored. “Israeli identity” inclusive of Jews, Arabs, and all other residents, rather than “Jewish identity” should be the criterion for inclusion in the polity of the state. Writing in Le Monde Diplomatique, Sand asserted that any definition of the state that relies on a distinction between Jew and non-Jew i…

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A Comedy Writer Confronts ‘Mind-Shredding Evil’ in Uganda

…s. The LRA massacres whole villages at a time in Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Central African Republic. Two million people in Northern Uganda have been displaced. Kony’s power over his victims is derived in part by his claim to be inhabited by spirits, including one that had jumped to him from Alice Lakwena (a kind of Joan of Arc figure), who led an unsuccessful rebellion against Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in 1987. S…

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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

…s of merchandise, including Eat Pray Love-branded prayer necklaces ($350), Republic of Tea flavors, and fashions by designer Sue Wong. And if you are a true devotee, you can follow Gilbert’s steps to to Italy, India, and Indonesia—as a solo pilgrim, as some have done, or as a member of a tour costing a cool $19,795. Or, alternatively, you could do what seems just as rewarding: savage the movie and book on the Internet. In the vastness of cyberspac…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…by the 1830s, replacing Thomas Jefferson’s dream of a secular rationalist Republic with something more akin to a Methodist millennium. A more critical examination might have also told the story, from the underside of that millennium, that while American ideas of freedom promised universalist visions they delivered a Republic that was, in practice, racially exclusivist and white supremacist. That was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an accident. The chose…

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Palin’s Persecution Complex Culminates with “Blood Libel” Accusation

…e potential for an attack on Sarah Palin as an event that would “bring the republic down,” Beck plays into the martyrdom fantasy he promotes daily. It is this type of bombastic hyperbole that has the nation in mourning. By turning the tragedy inside out, making it about themselves, and not about Palin’s “don’t retreat, reload” refrain, and the crosshairs map smack dab over Congresswoman Gifford’s district, Beck and Palin are taking advantage of th…

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Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It

…ssion.’ By fascism and nazism, is referring to the Federal Republic of Germany. According to them, Germany is a ‘fascist colony,’ that needs to be de-nazified by Russia on the basis of national socialist laws, in order to answer the ‘German question’ and to re-establish a ‘German homeland.’ The ‘German question’ means the territorial unity of Germans in the form of a state and is a central topic in the sovereign citizens’ milieu, e…

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Survival of the CrossFittest: After a Schism Over Racism Can the Fitness Empire Shed its Culture of Whiteness?

…inders of what’s at stake may be necessary as (ex)CrossFitters forge a new republic of fitness. In Reforging the White Republic, Edward Blum recounts the history of Northern white Protestants abandoning their racial justice commitments to ally with white southerners after the Civil War. This example of white abolitionists opting for white comfort and unity over the trials of continued abolitionist work attests to the tenacity of white cultural pow…

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Douthat, Do Tell! Some Questions for a Columnist Longing for the Good Old Days of American Religion

…o we hear something just a tad bit proprietary? The legend of the Virtuous Republic has been invoked, the American system is what renews and guarantees the virtue, but that system is now malfunctioning on account of a God deficit. Or perhaps because of a Flag deficit. It’s hard to tell which, because in minds made like Douthat’s the two always run together. And now comes the hard slap at liberals whose faith is watery at best and whose weakness al…

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The End (of Religion) is Near, Scientists Say

…religious affiliation in nine countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland. Turns out, every case of self-reported religious affiliation is trending downward: 40% self-identify as religiously non-affiliated in the Netherlands, as do 60% in the Czech Republic. The mathematicians seem far more surprised by these numbers than most religionists would be. The first and most obvious re…

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Meet the Christian Reconstructionists Behind the Latest Birther Theory

…08). Farah is the editor of WND, the website that has played a key role in promoting birtherism. Lofton said he expected Titus’ theory to figure in Corsi’s forthcoming book, which is already being promoted on WND. (Lofton was critical of WND for focusing too much on the birth certificate rather than on this, in his view, more critical question.) Both Lofton and Titus are admirers of R.J. Rushdoony, the intellectual godfather of Christian Reconstru…

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