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New Film Chronicles Unlikely Friendship in Battle Over God and Guns

…about her father, who for decades served as the president of the Illinois NAACP. Despite his dedication to both religious and political conservative orthodoxy, Schenck was having a crisis of faith over evangelicals’ devotion to guns. While McBath and Schenck were coming from very different places and experiences, politically, racially, and even religiously, it was McBath’s religious testimony that proved the “tipping point” for the struggling Sche…

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NPR “Ex-Gay” Report Neither “Fair” Nor “Balanced”

…t the news business nearly ten years ago was because the media’s idea of “balanced” reporting had become increasingly neurotic and, well, unbalanced. Our modern media believes that balance means finding one example of a story it has decided to pursue on one side of the issue, and then find another single example on the other side of the story then simply compare and contrast. Voila! Balance. That’s what NPR has done in this morning’s report about…

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Houston’s Pastor Subpoenas: A Meme Made for Fox News

…s in Houston who opposed the HERO and led the petition drive have long disparaged the city’s mayor, Annise Parker, because she is a lesbian. As the Texas Freedom Network reported in 2011, when Parker was running for reelection, Dave Welch, one of the subpoenaed pastors, released a video in which he said: It is astounding to have to say that most Houston citizens – including most Christians and pastors – are still unaware of the radical nature of M…

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The Prophet Amos on Unemployment and Our Leadership

Today’s dismal jobs report shows yet again that help is not on the way for the 8 million U.S. workers who lost their jobs since the start of the Great Recession. In many parts of the country more than one in eight workers can’t find any job; among younger males, especially African-Americans, the number is much higher—in many areas one in two workers is without work.   Yet Congress, with a Democratic majority, can’t get it together to extend unemp…

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I Miss Tina Fey

Last night I went to see Sarah Palin here in Jacksonville. Rather than repeat the details of the event I’ll just make these observations.  As I drove across the bridge there was (seriously, I’m not kidding) a huge dark cloud over downtown. The gritty details: This was a fundraiser for Heroic Media, a faith-based non-profit that publicizes alternatives to abortion. Originally planned for an auditorium that holds over 2000 people, it was moved to a…

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Niqab and Short Shorts

…m students, one of them Muslim, decided to walk the streets of Paris in niqab and short shorts. The point of the dress-up act was to show the absurdity of the French burqa ban. I love the idea because it raises so many questions. Women who are supposedly being objectified by the men in their lives are told they will be “liberated” by going uncovered. But what about women who are objectified and feel they need to act as sexual objects by the men in…

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Answers in Genesis Seeks Tax Breaks for New Theme Park

…er of Babel, a walled city similar to ancient times, live animal shows and a children’s play area and a 1st Century Medieval Village. There will be no roller coasters or other thrill rides. AIG’s partner in the theme park project, Ark Encounter LLC, is a for-profit business based in Missouri. Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear attended the press conference, praising the project for the boost he says it will give to the state economy. Developers say the t…

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Huckabee Channels Rushdoony

…Barton is frequently lambasted for his historical revisionism about the separation of church and state, this is much bigger than the debate over the founders’ intent. What Barton is talking about—and what Rushdoony talked about—is the meaning and purpose of history. Rushdoony called it a “Biblical Philosophy of History;” Barton often uses the term “Providential History.” Either way, it’s all about God’s hand guiding the purpose, history, and futur…

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The Trouble With Francis: Three Things That Worry Me

…ing in “spiritual exercises” in next month’s issue? Given the spate of media attention he has received in the U.S. market, I will not be surprised by anything. Just to head off distractions, let me stipulate that I do have a heart, and approve of the personal direction of this pope: a simple lifestyle, a commitment to the poor, a soft touch with those who are young or ill, all indicate a fine human being, indeed what Christianity would hold up as…

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London Calling: “Our Great War Is a Spiritual War”

…irituality confronting more progressive Christians. But as I gazed at the data, I couldn’t help focusing on Manchester United, the team whose fans—hardly alone among their ilk—bloodied the Brits through the Thatcherite 1980s into passing the Football Spectators Act of 1989 (FSA). The still-controversial FSA aimed to curb football-related injury and death not by insisting on safe and secure stadiums, but by banning “known or suspected troublemakers…

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