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By the Way: Fractured Religious Right Endorses McCain

…ition and Focus on the Family, and Jim Garlow, pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego. Also present were Rick Scarborough, founder and president of Vision America, and David Barton, president of WallBuilders; both men have fashioned entire careers out of their denials that the founders ever intended church and state to be separate entities. The meeting (as reported on the website) contained more than the usual over-the-top Religious Right rhetoric…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…Tears flowed freely when the Affirmation choir of gay and lesbian Mormons sang the stirring Mormon classic “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”—the very hymn our ancestors sang to dedicate the Kirtland temple 175 years ago, in 1836, on a day when, as the folklore goes, neighboring villages reported seeing a cloud of fire hovering over Kirtland. Standing in the sunlit white interiors of the temple, Liam, a young gay LDS man who had travelled…

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Ponzi Schemes and Prophecy

…onomic Armageddon: What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy, San Diego megachurch pastor, radio host, and Tim LaHaye protégé David Jeremiah likens Social Security to a Ponzi scheme and adds that “financing massive entitlement programs, wars, and runaway big government” were “predicted twenty centuries ago in the New Testament letters of James” and figure “prominently as a sign of the coming economic Armageddon.” The book is a favorit…

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Yo, Gays, Stop Bogarting that Rainbow!

…sbians give up their grip on the rainbow. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute [a project of the National Organization for Marriage] rightly argues that the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man, and she says proponents of Proposition 8—California’s measure that passed in 2008 to define marriage as between a man and a woman—are the original “rainbow coalition.” “Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coali…

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Same-Sex Marriage: The Cure for Unemployment (Worries)

…alifornia, a lightly-populated, largely agricultural desert county east of San Diego, appeared as the only governmental entity in the state of California to seek standing as a proponent in the case to overturn Proposition 8. Whether or not the County has the standing to participate in the appeal is up to the panel of judges to determine. (Attorney Robert Tyler, appearing on behalf of Imperial County deputy clerk Isabel Vargas, proved himself embar…

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It’s All In Your Head: Patricia Churchland’s Touching a Nerve

…esperson, it could do no better than Churchland. A professor emerita at UC San Diego, Churchland pioneered the field of “neurophilosophy,” which, as the name implies, dwells at the interface between neuroscience and philosophy. Touching a Nerve offers a tour of this intersection, and Churchland meanders through the brain’s fleshy folds with a welcoming enthusiasm. At each stop (including but not limited to: free will, sex, sleep, morality, LSD, an…

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Will California Outlaw Divorce?

…ulment, but it must be for cause like bigamy, fraud, or incest. But as the San Diego News Network reports: “I don’t want to be married to you anymore” doesn’t count. While the anti-gay marriage people may roll their eyes at such a suggestion, Marcotte’s measure makes several points clear. First, heterosexuals, who fight tooth and nail to keep gay people from getting married, make a mockery of the institution every single day, from Britney Spears’…

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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…the Washington Post. And, in 1996, the company donated $1.3 million to the San Diego Convention and Visitor’s Bureau “to help fund a Republican cable TV show to be aired during the party’s national convention,” the Associated Press reported. The program featured “rising GOP stars as ‘reporters,’” and aired on the Pat Robertson-owned Family Channel. The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, which was founded in 1970, has provided major funding for su…

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Welcome to the Gayborhood: Jason Brown on This New Era

…hood.” I’ve lived, you know, like, among the straights. So when I moved to San Diego it was like okay, I’m going to I’m going to live in the gay area. I’m going to reach out to gay people and to gay Christians. In the gayborhood, (my partner) Josh and I don’t worry about being in public together. Like, holding hands, we don’t have so much fear of doing it. We don’t get looked at. We’ve certainly shed any sense of guilt that that we might have had…

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Do Women Have a Future in the Catholic Church? Social Justice Orgs Petition Bishops This Week

…te A Church for Our Daughters today at the bishops’ semi-annual meeting in San Diego. The groups participating include advocates for women priests, such as the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests and the Women’s Ordination Conference, the Catholic LGBT equality groups DignityUSA and New Ways Ministry, the Catholic reproductive rights group Catholics for Choice, and Catholic reform organizations such as Call to Action and FutureChurch. The p…

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