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Government: Little Sisters Have No Case

…ation through a class action mechanism) are insured by the Church Brothers plan, and other exempt church plans are out there, it appears that there could be many employees that HHS thought would be able to access coverage and will not. This morning’s press release from Little Sisters’ counsel at the Becket Fund reads, “DOJ to SCOTUS: Nuns Must Violate Faith or Pay Fines.” But as Marty Lederman points out in his post this morning, the government ha…

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Cali Dept of Corrections v. Peter Laarman On Prison Crowding

…was put into place two years ago, not actually defending the current Brown plan to keep a tight grip on the 10,000 who could still be released currently.  I was writing about Brown’s recent last-minute plan to comply—sort of—with a court order without releasing additional inmates, whereas I and others involved in criminal justice reform applaud the smart justice direction that the governor and legislature took two years ago under the rubric of Pub…

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Religious Right & Catholic Bishops Plan Post-NY Marriage Strategy

…ic governor in one of the most heavily Catholic states in the country, are planning to ramp up their rhetorical warfare against marriage equality with a series of DVDs like the ones distributed in Minnesota before the 2010 election. Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of the Subcommittee for the Defense of Marriage says the series is needed to push back against LGBT rights supporters’ “manipulation of language” by the use of such terms as “equality.” I…

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What’s Huntsman’s Game Plan?

…and Romney, including the fact that both as governors launched health care plans they later disavowed. Does his early hemming and hawing about his own religion indicate a tendency to spin and squirm, or—even worse—flip and flop? It’s way too early to even assess the likelihood of his success. Even Huntsman himself seems to be a bit uncertain, visibly flinching during some moments in the spotlight and comparing political fortunes to catching “light…

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Pennsylvania School Voucher Plan Would Allow Religious Discrimination

At a DC appearance Monday, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett spoke out in support of taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, calling his support of Pennsylvania SB 1, which would provide up to $9,000 per pupil in failing schools to attend the private or religious school of their choice, “a moral obligation.” While Corbett and other supporters say the voucher program would improve education across the board by spurring competition, the taxpayer-funde…

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Fight the Tower: Protests Continue at Union Theological Seminary

…he Board should invite conversations about the finances and ethics of this plan. Administrators should openly address criticisms of the way the project has been handled thus far, and the faculty must be empowered to oppose the plan. Next, the importance of theological grounding: since Union began looking at this project five years ago, President Jones has taught two seminars on “Economics and Theology.” I was a student in the second iteration. In…

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Kentucky-Fried Christianity: Governor Matt Bevin Wants to Pray Away Violence in Louisville

…a laissez-faire free-market world; the ministers speaking out against his plan know that West Louisville is not an economic blank slate, that entrepreneurial spirit is not enough to break out of patterns of poverty in that area. Reverend Cosby voices a critical Christianity, a Christianity always aware of the historical sins to which it lent a name and a justification. It is through this resolutely historically-conscious religious lens that he ex…

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Boy Gets Boy, Saves Earth: A Gay Christian Writer’s Plan to Change the World

…e bad guy says as he prepares to unleash a terrifying monster known as the Planet Eater. “You know I’m telling the truth. You’re all so stupid, and you’re killing this world anyway. I’m just giving you a little nudge, a gentle push.” Perhaps it’s not giving too much away to reveal that Thom, a young gay man whose sexuality is only one of several special gifts, manages to save the Earth and find true love by the novel’s last pages. That dramatic ar…

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LGBTQ Methodists on Whether the United Methodist Church Will Ever Affirm LGBTQ People

…l references to homosexuality from the Book of Discipline; the Traditional Plan, which would ban same-sex marriages and LGBTQ clergy; and the One Church Plan, which would leave all decisions about LGBTQ issues to individual churches. Many, like Rev. Hannah Adair Bonner hoped the One Church Plan would prevail. “We strove to help [conservative Methodists] understand our love and to be loving to them,” she wrote in the Washington Post, “despite the p…

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Exactly 30 Years Before Illinois AG’s Devastating Sexual Abuse Report, a Plan for Prevention was Implemented, Then Scrapped

“Way too damned little and way too damned late.” That’s what one life-long Illinois Catholic woman I’ll call “Margaret” told me last week when the state’s attorney general released a nearly 700-page report, based on a five-year investigation, that concluded at least 2,000 kids were sexually abused by 451 priests. But what has many both outside and inside the church so infuriated is the even-more-shocking charge being leveled by the attorney gener…

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