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RD Response to Fox Crit of White Supremacy in Yoga Engages in Victim Blaming

…of the right-wing zealots who initially belittled Gandhi and Wolff in the comments section on and elsewhere. To be sure, by referencing her own work Jain enacts a version of what Edward Said once famously critiqued as the “citationary” nature of Orientalism and its reliance on “antecedent authority” to maintain White supremacist hegemony. For the past thirty years, critical race scholars like Richard Delgado have described this sort o…

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SCOTUS’s Incoherent Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

…t its wide margin, in contravention of the English language, subtlety, and comprehension skills. Mook is as mook tweets, I suppose. The ruling itself doesn’t directly give a green light to religious discrimination, though that’s surely cold comfort to those it affects. Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority, appears to have concluded that the state of Colorado copped an unusually hostile attitude toward the Christian beliefs of Masterpiece’s ow…

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RD Response to Fox Crit of White Supremacy in Yoga Engages in Victim Blaming

…of the right-wing zealots who initially belittled Gandhi and Wolff in the comments section on and elsewhere. To be sure, by referencing her own work Jain enacts a version of what Edward Said once famously critiqued as the “citationary” nature of Orientalism and its reliance on “antecedent authority” to maintain White supremacist hegemony. For the past thirty years, critical race scholars like Richard Delgado have described this sort o…

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Parkland Activists Don’t Care What You Think And They’re Not Interested in the Faith Wars

…ys found corrosive on both sides of the equation. Forced to choose between competing views of a faith, many people will simply walk away instead. (And to be fair, even white evangelicals—among the most conservative demographics in the nation—support stricter gun controls.) And again, the Parkland activists have made it pretty clear that they don’t see themselves as perfect, much less moral paragons, and certainly not exemplars in any religious sen…

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Australian Church Nixes Straight Couple’s Wedding Over Their Marriage Equality Support; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…BTI people had “often not been treated with respect” and the church should commit to treating the gay community with respect, whatever the outcome of the survey. Frances Abbott, daughter of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, one of the leading opponents of marriage equality, has publicly declared her support for marriage equality, saying, “I don’t really care much for politics. But I do really care a lot for love. All love is good. Let’s celebrate…

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You Are Being Organized by Something: 10 Questions for Kathryn Lofton on Consuming Religion

…can’t find out easily themselves. Some of my best quotations in this book come from compulsive binge viewers who blog, Ivory soap advertisements, Kim Kardashian’s Twitter feed, and the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for the U.S. Senate, so my archive isn’t exactly informationally obscure. What I am trying to do is to get people to think about their entertainments and absorptions. Why can’t you stop clicking hyperlinks? Why do you hate-w…

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Trump’s DOJ Wants Constitutional Protection for Wedding Cakes, Not LGBT People

…different—that wedding cakes are inherently expressive, but other types of commercial transactions aren’t. They’ll say that there’s something different about a wedding cake, but that furniture-making is not expressive.” Indeed, there are several paragraphs in the DOJ’s brief where the nation’s top law enforcement agency details the “secular and religious” importance of the cake-cutting ce…

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Why Natural Disasters Were Perfect Timing for Anti-LGBT Nashville Statement

…GBT people for natural disasters. Ultimately, this reinforcement of gender complementarity and the divine origin of gender differences, framed as a crucial part of what is good about the natural world God created, is a simple re-entrenchment of a position that confirms the stability of the natural world. Unfortunately, as natural disasters continue to worsen due to climate change, we can expect to see more attempts to reaffirm the “natural” or “Go…

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Catholic Nuns Show Bishops How it’s Done on ObamaCare

…at don’t further limit abortion or contraception) through an obscure USCCB committee run by an equally obscure bishop, 7,150 Catholic nuns were willing to sign their names to efforts they see as a direct affront to their mission “to serve our nation’s most vulnerable people.” And, unlike the bishops, they are willing to criticize not just the plan but the whole haphazard, politically driven process that may culminate today with senators being aske…

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