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Confession Fail: iPhone App Controversy Muddies the Sacramental Waters

…of the priestly intermediary in petitioning God for forgiveness that was a central element in the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. Here, users usurp clerical sacramental authority entirely and, as Gonzalez notes, offer spiritual reflection, penances, and absolutions to one another directly. Of course, we do well to remember that Penance is categorized as a game in the iTunes store for a reason. It’s clearly designed to gather the r…

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Florida Gov Cozies to Local Tea Party Xenophobes

…ernor Rick Scott announced his proposed budget in front of tea partiers in central Florida, instead of in Tallahassee where the budget has been announced in the past. Clearly designed as pageantry to flatter the tea partiers, the Governor boasted some $5.2 billion in cuts (only to later have to admit that the number was inflated and that the cuts were “only” $3.5 billion). The announcement of our state budget, by the way, was held in the Eustis Fi…

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God-Haters Can Be Great Company

…rceptive review and publishes it, I am on the verge of giving out hugs for free. But sometimes another feeling settles in… a quiet desperation when—after having written one’s fingers numb to make a fairly simple but important point—that very point has not gotten across. Jake Meador’s review, online at Christianity Today, is a case in point. I truly appreciate the favorable things he has to say like “Schweizer has written an engrossing history.” At…

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Egypt Protests Upset Assumptions About the
Arab World

…o revolt, have staged impassioned protests for nothing less than their own freedom and dignity across the country. The ferocity and depth of these protests have shocked even their most hopeful supporters. Reports from the scenes in Tahrir square in central Cairo describe a level of cooperation unseen in recent memory; people share their water, bring each other blankets, hold hands to ward off security forces and face down tanks in a scene widely-r…

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GOP Hopeful Herman Cain: Jesus was “The Perfect Conservative”

…year: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, and Herman Cain. When no other Republican wanted to talk about 2012, Cain would walk into speeches introduced by a heavily produced video, a highlight reel of his other speeches. Weigel also notes Cain’s radio show on WSB in Atlanta where he rails against President Obama, “socialism,” and the Democrats abuse of individual rights while mixing in some “Dale Carnegie-esque leadership talk.” When it comes to…

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Anti-Gay Marriage Arguments for Prop. 8 Fall Short

…t marriage?” U.S. 9th Circuit Appeals Court Judge N. Randy Smith asked the central question as he and two other judges heard from both sides on whether California’s ballot measure banning marriage equality for gays and lesbians should stand. Charles Cooper, a lawyer who argued in favor of Prop. 8 using some difficult to follow circular logic, argued that California has a rational reason for distinguishing between same-sex and opposite sex couples,…

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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…elf-critiques of King’s speeches, and the necessity of a political movement to turn King’s words into reality. The historical co-opting of King as icon is inevitable, but it can be resisted through insisting on the central themes of King’s life and legacy. That requires not only the rules of a radical—getting to the root of injustice—but also demanding historical accountability for those who would distort his dream….

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Loughner Admired Conspiracy-Minded Zeitgeist Film

…f monetary economics, became by midnight a utopian presentation of a money-free and computer-driven vision of the future . . . .  some basic themes emerged: modern economics is a fraud; global debt will crush the planet; society itself is dying from the profit motive; and people ought to wise up to the fact that more than legislation — or presidential administrations — needs to change. The first of Joseph’s three films has been criticized, among o…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…gender.” A Refuge for the Powerful It could be even more educational if a central tenet of American historical writing about the Constitution—that it was made once, and then completely remade through the affirmative and far-reaching exercise of federal power to remake citizenship undertaken during the Civil War and Reconstruction—could have been part of the discussion. Only a serious grappling with the original passages would make that possible….

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Promoting Patriarchy and Fighting Pantheism, plus Adventures to the Amazon and to Space (!)

…triarchy. If you are a reader of my work here at RD you will recognize the coded language in the references to providential history, biblical worldviews, presuppositionalism, and biblical law. The “glory of motherhood” and the “blessing of children,” includes the ideas that these are to be the only life choices open to women and that limiting the number of children in any way (including contraception) is a violation of God’s plan and promotion of…

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