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Religious Leaders Need ‘Empty the Pews’ Which Chronicles the Darker Side of the ‘Nones’ Phenomenon

…lennial and Gen X believers are a regular feature in secular news—Religion News Service even publishes an entire column dedicated to statistical data on Nones, compiled by the sociologist Ryan Burge—and a growing number of books exploring the narrative stories of Nones have appeared in recent years, including a book of my own. Empty the Pews: Stories of Leaving the Church Chrissy Stroop and Lauren O’Neal Epiphany Publishing November 29, 2019 What…

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‘My Name is Legion’: Sources and Forces of White Supremacy in the U.S.

…hate group and white supremacist group content has skyrocketed—even as the numbers of those groups have themselves noticeably increased. For example, the number of known hate groups is reported to have increased from roughly 600 in the year 2000 to 930 in 2014. Moreover, major television networks such as Fox TV have ushered hate content and white supremacist content into the media mainstream, featuring racialized rhetoric that ranges from disparag…

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7 Women Scholars On the Gender Divide in Religious Studies, the Power of Mentors, and Leading While Female

…to interact with a woman leader. As a woman leader, you are always plowing new psychic territory. It’s also new psychic territory for me. My own sense of what it means to be woman leader is also constantly evolving. I’ve been president at Union Theological Seminary for seven years, and in the earlier years, I was much more anxious about figuring out how I would lead because I had never done it before. As time has gone by and I really begin to feel…

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Anti-Gay Violence Rages in Gambia; Conservative ‘Complementarity’ Confab; Coming Out in Iraq Can Be Death Sentence; Global LGBT Recap

…bout Ireland’s upcoming referendum on marriage equality, according to Pink News, “he did say he would refuse to give communion to any legislators who voted in favor of equality.” Meanwhile, advocacy groups and news outlets noted that 2013 tax filings from the National Organization for Marriage showed a huge drop-off in donations after 2012, a year in which there were several high-profile ballot measures on marriage – all of which NOM lost. Still,…

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Does Religion Condemn Homosexuality?

…ot condemn homosexuality as we think of it today. The Hebrew Bible and the New Testament had no concept of homosexuality as a personal identity. These few Biblical passages focused on sexual behavior. Scholars have worked hard to determine what these passages and their exact words meant in their day, and for ours. Some of the results are surprising. What are these passages so worried about if it is not the idea of a homosexual person or a personal…

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The Abortion Debate, Texas Style

…th Texas Women on Facebook, I heard Texas Sen. Donna Campbell on the local news declare that “Democracy was traded for mobocracy” during the successful filibuster. Mobocracy, really? Needless to say, the proverbial line was drawn in the sand, yet again. The orange-clad were directed to arrive at the Capitol the following day, July 2, ready to register their stance on HB2 and, if desired, to sign up to testify before the House State Affairs Committ…

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…continues to erode—from 21 percent in 2007 to 19 percent in 2012—while the number of the religiously unaffiliated is rising—from 16 percent to 20 percent over the same period. In other words, “nones” and evangelicals are equivalent in numbers. One explanation for this change in America’s religious complexion is that white Christians are aging: 72 percent of voters over 65 are white Christians, compared to only 26 percent of voters under 30. Pew al…

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The Incredible Shrinking Catholic Church

…o take their spiritual business elsewhere. We have seen an increase in the number of American politicians who are asked to remove themselves from communion lines and, recently, priests have even denied parishioners communion if they vote for a political candidate who favors abortion rights. This exclusion from the sacrament is essentially a form of excommunication. Dogma Over Diplomacy Ironically, at a time when many earnest believers are being tu…

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3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle

…pertain to preventing diseases and not to … preventing birth.” But, as New York Times reports, under Trump a number of anti-contraception activists have been given prominent roles in the administration. They are moving not just to finalize a rule that would allow any entity to opt-out of the contraceptive mandate for any reason, which has long been on the bishops’ wish list, but have a history of attacking contraception in general. Katy Talento, w…

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Refusal of Interracial Couple Shows How Slippery the Slope of LGBTQ Refusal Really Is

…a on state-by-state support for interracial marriage, but while 18% of all newly married people in urban areas are married to someone of a different race, only 3% of newlyweds in Jackson, Mississippi are married to someone of a different race, the lowest percentage in the country. And the Mississippi Clarion Ledger reported earlier this year that the overall growth in number of interracial couples in Mississippi was behind the national average (le…

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