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Kentucky Court Clerk, A “Professing Apostolic Christian,” Questions Legal Authority

…urt papers as “a professing Apostolic Christian who attends church worship service multiple times per week, attends weekly Bible study, and leads a weekly Bible study with women at a local jail.” That might leave a lot of people scratching their heads, as this description is not as recognizable as “Presbyterian” or “Baptist” or “evangelical.” So what does that mean? I asked our own (very busy covering the Pope) Anthea Butler, a religious historian…

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Sympathy for the Devils: I Was a Pastor to Trump Supporters

…or, who resigned suddenly from burnout after years of dedication to social service ministry throughout the city. It left a hole in their faith that nothing could ever quite fill, and cemented their resolve to stamp out change wherever they found it. They were literally not interested in learning to sing a new song. It provoked too much anxiety. None of this is to excuse their behavior, which was often sour, mean-spirited, or entitled. But I knew w…

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A Pandemic isn’t a War, But Recognizing What They Share May Help us Heal

…the wider stress. Shelter-in-place is not only a civic duty; it’s a psycho-spiritual-emotional condition. When we scramble to find the last available package of toilet paper, we’re committing the perfect demonstration of our most basic concern: “hey, with all this going on, I’m just worried about my a–” The scale of this trauma could turn us ultimately in a different direction: toward collective concern for our neighbors and the interrelated globa…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…forming. Abandoning the rudimentary notion that all speech is primarily in service of the exchange of ideas, about true facts about the real world, is simply a necessary first step. It will remain open for debate whether the perlocutionary effects produced by, or the permissibility facts enabled by, the public speech of a given bigoted speaker should or should not be tolerated. No doubt, these are ongoing discussions, and their outcomes should not…

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No, Rush Limbaugh Did Not Hijack Your Parents’ Christianity

…d James Dobson as part of the background noise. In 2016, when overwhelming numbers of white evangelicals backed Donald Trump, it seemed that Limbaugh had the edge over Dobson when it came to discipling white evangelicals. How else could one explain the apparent betrayal of “family values” evangelicalism? Their salt-of-the-earth Christianity had been hijacked by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Except it hadn’t. At least not if hijacking entails taking…

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White Supremacy Erases Its Violence: The Predictable Blaming of Antifa

…n Kellie Carter Jackson argues—the long tradition of Black violence in the service of freedom (i.e., emancipation). Instead what gets remembered in our society is imaginary violence that victimizes innocent whites. This stuff matters! When it’s the norm that White Supremacy gets to excuse itself from responsibility and even blame those trying to dismantle it, leaders who benefit from or facilitate White Supremacy do not lose their power. They don’…

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The Three Qualities Marking the Capitol Assault as Terrorism

…e are cosmic wars, in that they touch on a transcendent sense of moral and spiritual struggle. They’re often therefore imbued with religious significance. Most of the terrorist acts that I’ve studied are products of these cosmic wars. When I interviewed one of the jihadi activists associated with al Qaeda who was involved in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center he told me that he wasn’t a terrorist, but a soldier. Though I didn’t recognize th…

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The University of Vermont Might Be Done With Religion, But Religion Isn’t Done With Us

…ased in cold, hard math: Religion just doesn’t have enough majors. But the number of majors a department has does not equal how much revenue a department generates. Enrollments do that, and UVM’s award-winning faculty members consistently over-enroll their courses. Not to mention that UVM Religion grads are shaping conversations about religion at the national level—you can’t put a price on that kind of impact (no matter how much tuition costs thes…

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There is Another Reason Trump Refuses to Concede the Election

…osperity movement and took the nation by storm. Similarly, the president’s spiritual advisor, Paula White-Cain, is a prominent contemporary figure in the movement, having survived a 2007 investigation opened by Republican Senator Charles Grassley into her finances (and those of several other prosperity preachers). As election returns showed the president’s early lead evaporating into the ether last Wednesday, White-Cain broadcasted a prayer servic…

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What is Juneteenth to America? It Has to Be More Than ‘Black 4th of July’ if It’s to Be Truly Meaningful

…ipation Day’ to the status of other American civil holidays. To invoke the spirit of Douglass, however it must be asked, “What is Juneteenth to America?” Is it a hollow attempt to pacify angry Black protesters with a nod towards nominal diversity? This should be a national celebration as the nation’s attempt to rid itself of the last vestiges of what many consider the nation’s “original sin” of slavery. However, Juneteenth or Emancipation Day is a…

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