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Battle of Antisemitism Definitions is Actually a Proxy War For Criticism of Israel

…d even celebration of violence and oppression if deemed necessary tools in service of Jewish power. For others, the lesson is universal, “never again to anyone,” with a particularly keen awareness that Jews are no different than anyone else and are therefore just as likely to abuse their power in the name of nationalism and “self-defense” as anyone else. This division has serious ramifications in terms of Jewish political choices. For the universa…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…church leaders launching campaign for ‘Bible-based values’ The Cayman New Service reports that a coalition of church leaders, including Anglicans and Seventh Day Adventists, “are putting aside their doctrinal differences and uniting on a campaign to promote what they see as the biblical basis for family life in the Cayman Islands in a stand against ‘alternative lifestyles’ and same-sex unions in particular.” The project, designed to “raise awaren…

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Bernie’s Roman Holiday

…Jesus, did they really put his logo on a picture of the Pope?! All this in service of a message that won’t impress or inspire anybody who wasn’t going to vote for Sanders to begin with. I suppose that was the goal all along, though: to maintain Sanders’ inspirational image. Either that, or they’re making some kind of bizarre, desperate play for the New York Catholic vote. Or again, maybe they were hoping a bird would land on his podium again, whic…

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As a Minister I’m Fed Up With Anti-Trans Legislation Written by Adults to Pick on Children, All in the Name of Religious Freedom

…good news,” which moves me to share my faith lovingly and devote myself to service for others. Never am I comfortable religiously, conscientiously, or constitutionally when I am confronted by ugly laws aimed at diminishing the LGBTQ+ community—including Stella and young people like her—especially when routinely and disingenuously these laws are proposed in the name of religion. Of my religion. Twenty-eight states are currently considering anti-tra…

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Who Will Catholic Bishops Turn to in Trump Era?

…omed but should be eligible for the full range of government-funded social service and support programs. While they haven’t been nearly as vocal about immigration as abortion, the USCCB has long lobbied for immigrant and refugee-friendly programs. To date the conference hasn’t taken on Trump directly, but they have countered his claims about “birthright citizenship” and influential bishops like Timothy Dolan have criticized his nativist views. Lik…

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World Congress of Families Blessed By Georgian Orthodox Patriarch and George W. Bush; Global LGBT Recap

…residency was Rodrigo Duterte, a strongman mayor who has bragged about the number of extrajudicial killings during his tenure. Duterte has spoken in favor of LGBT equality and said he would consider legalizing marriage for same-sex coples. Cuba: U.S. Activists Join Mariela Castro For Pride Events Evan Wolfson, the American activists who master-minded the campaign for marriage equality in the U.S., joined other activists in Cuba for LGBT pride cele…

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“Excruciatingly Different” Mississippi Religious Lib Law Specifies Beliefs

…pi “religious liberty” law that will soon allow public officials to refuse service to same-sex couples and transgender individuals was hit with two legal challenges last week, one by the ACLU and the other by the Campaign for Southern Equality. Both suits argue the law, HB 1523, violates the constitutional protections laid down by the Supreme Court in last year’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which it clearly does. But it also brazenly violates t…

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Why I Miss Scalia: SCOTUS Punts on Religious Freedom

…offer any hint as to what magical means the Department of Health and Human Services will deploy to learn which plans aren’t offering contraceptive coverage and whom to contact to let them know their insurer will cover contraception anyway. It seems to envision some form of the “compromise” it suggested in its equally bizarre request for additional briefs after the initial hearing. Under this compromise, the plaintiffs would contract for a plan tha…

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Same-Sex Marriage May Lead to Polygamy, But So What?

…ery-slope argument against same-sex marriage and polygamy in Religion News Service. Having legalized the one, the other will surely follow. And that is bad—very, very bad according to Sprigg. His position rests on two separate lines of argumentation: the curtailment of freedom of religion and harm to children. Both are rather spurious. Sprigg is still trying to make the case that same-sex marriage is a social ill. It is a social ill that will lead…

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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…hallenge to discriminatory laws Fredrick Nzwili reported for Religion News Service that Rev. Mark Odhiambo, an Anglican priest, earlier this month joined a legal challenge by two gay men and two lesbians to discriminatory laws in the country. “I serve in the city and I have seen many of them facing serious challenges because their sexual orientation does not conform to that of the general society,” said Odhiambo. “They are subjected to all sorts o…

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