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A Twisted Love Story: How American Evangelicals Helped Make Putin’s Russia and How Russia Became the Darling of the American Right

…ngelical tradition, but also conservative mainline Protestants, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, radically changed the face of Orthodox Christianity in America. Once a church almost exclusively made up of immigrants and their descendants, these Americans with no historical ties to Orthodoxy, became a majority in a number of Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States and brought with them their cultural baggage—most importantly the Culture Wars….

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LGBT Christians Respond to Southern Baptists’ Call For Kindness, Understanding

…Moore and other conference leaders appeared to be caught off guard by the number of LGBT Christians and supportive Christian advocates, some Baptists, who not only attended the entire conference, but also respectfully and publicly responded to Moore’s call to kindness and understanding and offered to meet with conference leaders at the venue. Although there were evidently no face-to-face meetings with Moore, about a dozen LGBT Christians and LGBT…

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As Pat Robertson Retires, Here Are 10 of His Most Cringeworthy Moments

…terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Go to top Comments about September 11 On the September 13, 2001 episode of The 700 Club, Jerry Falwell, Sr. maintained that God had probably “lifted the curtain” of divine protection around America, thereby allowing “our enemies to give us probably what we deserve”—in the form of catastrophes like the September 11 terrorist attacks. Robertson agreed, but this comes in at only number 8 since it was Falwell w…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…in Panama live in the major cities of Panama City and Colón, with smaller numbers in other provincial cities. The Panamanian government does not collect information on its religious composition, but a 2009 international report estimated the number of Muslims at around 24,000, comprising less than one percent of the country’s population. Most are of Lebanese, Palestinian or Indian descent. Though small, Panama’s Muslim community has grown increasi…

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New Research Links Spiritual-Not-Religious to Mental Disorder

…es. Is it an existential framework in itself—something that participants in 12-step groups find without necessarily referencing religion or spirituality and that the non-religious have sorted out in other ways—rather than its structuring in specifically religious terms that is psychologically beneficial? An atheist friend put it this way: “Maybe SBNRs are going nuts because, on one frequency, they keep thinking there’s got to be something else, an…

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The “Mormon Moment” Yields… Not So Much

…n 2011 said they have “a lot in common” with Mormons; now, that proportion is 42%. And when asked to give a one asked to give a one-word descriptor of Mormonism, the number of respondents offering a positive word like “good,” or “honest,” increased from 18% in 2011 to 24% in 2012.  All of these gains were concentrated among Republicans voting for Romney, naturally. Still, the number one word survey participants associated with Mormons? “Cult.” And…

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White Evangelical Leaders Already Distancing Themselves from the “81-Percenters”

…ction. News media did not report, as Carter asserts, that “an overwhelming number of evangelicals” voted for Trump. Instead, news media, including the The New York Times, Washington Post and Fox News, to name a few, all made clear time and again that a majority of white evangelicals supported Trump. It’s true that in prior election cycles the media has not been good about distinguishing “evangelicals” from “white evangelicals”—a confusion that sch…

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Pope and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Declare Shared View of Marriage & Family; Government & Muslim Officials Ramp Up Anti-LGBT Rhetoric in Indonesia; Australian Religious Leaders Ask Parliament to Act on Marriage Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…ses against homophobia” demonstration. Sin Etiquetas, a Lima-based LGBT website, also shared numerous photos of same-sex couples kissing and holding hands in the street before police moved in with armoured trucks. George Liendo of Promsex, a Peruvian LGBT rights group, said members of his organisation took part in the protest. “The aggression was excessive towards the young people who gather each year in the main square to kiss against homophobia,…

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If You Liked The Martian You’ll Love These 3 Sci-Fi Shorts

…for more. Luckily, Weir offers a treasure trove of short stories on his website, a number of which break with The Martian’s goal of approximating reality, grappling instead with some of the same issues that we discuss here at The Cubit. Without further ado, here are the top three short stories for anyone jonesing for more Weir: Bored World. The story of a mischievous, trans-dimensional plane of existence. Is this a god, or the story of sci-fi itse…

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Swimming Against the Tide: Religious (Non) Affiliation Might Not Mean What You Think It Means

…ttendance has varied over the years, but it is close now to where it was in 1940 and 1950.” That same survey showed, “Americans’ assessment of the importance of religion in their lives generally has been stable over the past four decades.” As Pew continues to release its data over the course of the coming year, it might well find more changes than Gallup has in these other measures of religiosity, but the relative stability of these other markers…

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