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Experimental Theater Meets Experimental Faith: The Wooster Group’s “Early Shaker Spirituals”

…y members still performing after 39 years, as one of the best actresses in New York, and wondered at her decision not to work with other companies. It certainly doesn’t seem to bother her any. In Early Shaker Spirituals (which ends its successful run on June 15th) Valk steps further away from the spotlight by acting as director. Like the Sabbathday Lake Shaker site, which is both a religious community, museum, and shop, The Wooster Group has also…

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Freeman Dyson, American Heretic

…heretic. Nicholas Dawidoff’s profile of the brilliant physicist in the New York Times Magazine illuminates a man who has always sought to subvert scientific consensus—most recently in denying the dangers of climate change and CO2 emissions. The story’s title, “The Civil Heretic,” signals the ghost of religion hanging in the background. It is the “secular religion of environmentalism” that Dyson opposes. A religion that holds the plant itself sacre…

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Would Gandhi Disband Occupy?

…he tried to evoke their cooperation and was happy when he got it, but he knew that he wasn’t likely to without a long, arduous program of satyagraha. Gandhi abhorred the idea of cooperating with injustice of any kind; he would rather have died. So he dedicated his life to the belief that lasting solutions to humanity’s problems come from non-cooperation with injustice. And he called us to actively obstruct the workings of unjust systems—to clog t…

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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…mber. That the case got so little attention in the U.S. (no mention in the New York Times, a brief article in the Washington Post) is striking, some would say disgraceful. In the U.K., the case got a bit more attention—see Nick Cohen’s impassioned article in The Observer: “The Deafening Silence of a Good Man’s Death.” Rafiq Tagi, a physician and journalist, had been a persistent critic of Azerbaijan’s authoritarian government and of the influence…

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David Carr’s Secret to Honesty: Sin

…ve to be skeptical. Carr died last week at 58. A working journalist at the New York Times, he has been widely honored by the profession he practiced. He was genuinely liked by his colleagues but, more than that, seemed to serve as a walking, working example of what can be great about journalism. Part of that was his commitment to the trade craft of distrust. One thing that set Carr apart was his professional skepticism, which was, primarily, direc…

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Virgins and Vampire Worship: The Religion of Twilight 

…, for, ahem, “research purposes.” Packed into a sold-out theater in one of New York City’s busiest neighborhoods, I raised my head above the mayhem to get a look at the crowd. Much to my surprise, I didn’t see a single “Bite Me: Vampires Only Please” t-shirt. There were no creepy vampire contacts; no corsets; no capes; even the eyeliner was tastefully applied. I wondered: Where have all the Twi-hards gone? Suddenly, wolf-man Jacob appeared on scre…

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Evangelicals, Oppose Park51 At Your Own Eschatological Risk

…log posts, op-eds, protests, or commentary from an observer in upstate New York. A recent blog post by Chuck Norris on the American Family Association’s Web site summarizes what many evangelical commentators think about the president’s recent foray into all that is Park51. “Obama is not just rebooting America’s image in the Muslim world. He’s deepening and expanding Islamic belief, practice, culture around the world, like a Muslim missionary.” I t…

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Pam Geller’s Latest Subway Ad Inadvertently Attacks Hebrew Bible

…absolutely disgusted New Yorkers were, with some even buying counter ads. New Yorkers, of all (or no) faiths, made it clear that they would not tolerate these sentiments. Yet, instead of listening to people in New York, Geller has decided that she wants to further insult our little village of five boroughs running an ad showing a plane smashing into the Twin Towers. No New Yorker would use this image. We were, and remain, deeply traumatized by th…

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May GOP Save Us From Chaos: Mircea Eliade on Election 2010

…apparently they aren’t finding it. At least that’s what I read in the New York Times. They’ve got a political analyst named Matt Bai who really understands these deeper motives. Listen to what he’s written lately: “Voters in a lot of the country trusted in an established order that seemed to be working pretty well for them, but then people saw their cities and their industries collapse… With global interdependence comes a certain lack of control….

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The Jewish Daily Forward is Neither Jewish, Nor Daily (But Still Forward). Discuss!

…always thought of the paper, for short, anyway, much like people call The New York Times just “The Times.” But then I started to think about it, and I realized that for me, the word “Jewish” has started to come with unspoken assumptions; who is “Jewish” enough becomes aligned with who is “pro-Israel” enough. The Forward reports on Israel, of course, but it seems to manage to do so in a way that commands respect. And that is no easy maneuver in th…

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