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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

…ounds between 1975 and 1995. One of the authors of the study described the toll as “Jonestown in slow motion.” It’s not just Christian Scientists. Small church movements around the country reject modern medicine, generally substituting some kind of faith healing. Constitutional law gives the state opportunities to intervene on behalf of children in these households. As Offit chronicles, though, states often do not. To his credit, Offit doesn’t spi…

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Daily News Corrects JR Smith’s “Fool[ish]” Slavery/Black Friday Post… Incorrectly

…he 80s with more positive connotations (though the annual death and injury toll may take a bite out of the PR, if not the bottom line). J.R. Smith has his demons…and he’s certainly made his share of mistakes — from suspensions for weed, elbowing other players, and untying the shoelaces of opponents, to petulantly refusing to shoot, taking bad shots, and mucking up team chemistry. But calling a man stupid for believing what sounds to me like a whol…

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Egypt and the Problem of Religion

…to hunt down and slay their opponents with impunity. The subsequent human toll to date has been described by Human Rights Watch as “the most serious incident of mass unlawful killings in modern Egyptian history”. Certain members of the Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand claim to be carrying out a “jihad” against the military government and have been willing to register their moral outrage by risking death at the hands of the army. Well-establis…

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Navy Yard Shooting: Why It’s Not a Religion Story

…y became national news, with multiple media sources highlighting the death toll of one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history, focus soon turned to profiling the killer. What were his motivations for violence? Many news stories initially focused on Aaron Alexis’ religious identity: Thai Buddhism. In England, Kristi Kinard of The Times began her piece highlighting what she considered Aaron Alexis’ self-contradictions—he was a former Navy r…

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Hopping on the Meditation Brandwagon: “Heartfulness” Makes Landfall in Los Angeles

…fulness-the-brand seems very much a 21st-century operation. There’s a toll-free number for people to call where if you press three, you’ll be connected to a Heartfulness associate in North America. The organization offers a livestream of conferences on their web site, and there are heartfulness apps with virtual instructors on iTunes and Google Play. The one thing the conference seemed to tout above all else was accessibility. “This does not exert…

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Massacre Of Islamists By Egyptian Military Likely Strategic

…e were killed and 874 injured, the country’s health ministry said, but the toll looked certain to rise as unrest spread from Cairo to other parts of the country. –NBC News, August 14, 10:46 AM EDT It’s hard to get a handle on what’s happening in Egypt, but my sense is that all of this is deeply political in nature and intent. This is more than just a massacre, it’s a strategic massacre. By cracking down so violently and indiscriminately on the Mus…

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The Forgotten Nones: The High Cost of Fleeing Fundamentalist Religion

…very positive relationships, my leaving the religion has certainly taken a toll on our interactions. I feel that it has been difficult to find alternative ways to meaningfully connect with my family members now that religion has been taken out of the equation. It often feels that we are speaking different languages and we haven’t found a way to bridge that gap to come to shared understanding. Lena: It’s terrifying…I just completely avoid my family…

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Sometimes Dialogue is Not the Answer and Neutrality is a Trap: An Interview with the Authors of ‘The Neutrality Trap’

…ime that you wrote the book? Bernie: The overturning of Roe, the continued toll that guns take on the most vulnerable in our society, the ever darkening cloud on our future that climate change presents—all seem to reinforce our central point, which is that without disruption, connection alone won’t deal with our problems. But without a strategic approach to disruption, which also requires connecting across our differences, we won’t achieve system…

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Honoring and Renewing Dr. King’s Other, More Challenging, Dream — 55 Years Later

…a level: in the struggle to get ahead in a winner-take-all culture, in the toll that struggle takes in damaging personal relations and susceptibility to addictions, in the deference shown to “superiors” and the contempt directed toward people further down in the pecking order. For many others, the violence of the American caste system is only too visible in the form of militarized policing and racist mass incarceration; brutal housing and educatio…

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Burma Bans Time Magazine’s “Buddhist Terror” Issue

…ish response and resistance to outside humanitarian relief drove the death toll higher. Once again, Burma was shamed before itself and the world. By the spring of 2011, after a rigged but nonetheless significant election, the junta stepped down and a period of liberalization blossomed after fifty years of direct oppression. Many of us were heartened by this change and by the return of Aung San Suu Kyi to political life. Hundreds or thousands of po…

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