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Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane

…orhood, one Hasidic man who wouldn’t give his name said that blaming dress code for the removal of the bikes lane “is just bullshit.” He is disappointed with how his people have been portrayed in news reports about this issue and insists that safety was a genuine concern. That’s what nearly everybody walking up and down Hasidic Bedford in daytime says as well. When asked directly about it, they concede that they believe many cyclists to be inappro…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…verdict nullifying discriminatory laws against the LGBT community. India: New Political Party Puts LGBT Equality at Top of Agenda Andrew Potts reports for Gay Star News that the Aam Aadmi Party is putting gay rights front and center as it seeks to win votes in upcoming elections for the country’s lower house. India’s fledgling Aam Aadmi Party is betting that championing the rights of women and minorities and fighting against corruption will be wi…

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Global LGBT Recap: Homogeopolitics; Dalai Lama Says Gay is OK; Pope Says Civil Unions May Be

…Vatican: Pope Francis Open to Considering Civil Unions? Pope Francis made news when he suggested in a newspaper interview that he might be open to supporting some form of civil unions as a means, for example, of ensuring that people have access to health care. Francis reaffirmed the church’s position that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he said “We have to look at different cases and evaluate them in their variety.”  The US Conference…

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Will IRS Crack Down on Church Politicking?

…ons with tax exempt status under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Those changes were set in motion after record amounts of campaign spending by (c)(4) groups in 2012, and tea party complaints that their applications for (c)(4) status were improperly denied for partisan reasons. Although Congressional Republicans tried to make a scandal of the application process, further congressional investigation showed both conservative and progr…

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Extra-Terrestrial Kitsch: Capricology #4

…ters. I was relieved to see Lacy relaxed and showing some competency (who knew she could repair a bike better than a boy), and I felt equivocal about Duram, whom I previously liked, exhibiting a nasty political streak. It was shocking to see Sister Clarice lolling in the family bed (talk about misleading packaging; her clothes had me convinced she was a virgin priestess). And, as many others have noted, it was revelatory to watch Granny cutting up…

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In Russia It Is Now a Crime to Insult Someone’s Religious Feelings

…his topic last fall, and as the initiative was recently passed, there is renewed interest in the Russian media and blogosphere. Аccording to the just passed redaction of article 148 of the Russian Criminal Code, “public acts expressing manifest disrespect for society and carried out with the goal of insulting the feelings of religious believers” could bring fines of up to 300,000 rubles (over $9000) or up to a year of imprisonment, or fines of up…

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Do Not Attack the Writer

…dismay turned to laughter when I saw immediately below Winters’ screed the code of conduct for comments on National Catholic Reporter. His post is a primer on violating NCR’s own rules for respectful conversation. Maybe someone at NCR can give him a much-needed tutorial. NCR Comment code: Be respectful. Do not attack the writer. Take on the idea, not the messenger. Use appropriate language. Avoid vulgarities and slurs. Keep to the point. Deliberat…

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Creationism: Don’t Use the “C-Word”

…ons are not characteristic of the educators and legislators who passed the new Louisiana law, but you can be sure that the Darwinist opponents of the law will try to make them sound representative. The same thing happened in Dover, Pennsylvania, in 2005 when school board members decided to grab onto the phrase (not the reality) of “intelligent design” to promote religious doctrine. The board members, as in Livingston, Louisiana, were as ignorant o…

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Where Christianity and Islam Collide

…gion may be the only guiding principle, the only social, moral, even legal code to abide by. Somalia, for example, has been a “failed state” since 1991; this is a place where the presence of the state and accompanying service provision is virtually nonexistent. Griswold shows how the story of the rise of al-Shabaab—an Islamist militia currently wreaking havoc with horrific efficacy across Somalia and now outside its borders (the group claimed resp…

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Spiritual Envy: Michael Krasny’s Agnostic Quest

…with breaking away from what I was anchored in, and trying to find my own code. But it was a code that was birthed from parents who were strong believers in a higher set of ways of living your life. And that’s what they bequeathed to me. So precious. Do you think that some people are just better at religion than others? Christopher Isherwood talks about the idea of the “religious genius.” Do you think that’s possible? Why not? It makes sense. I t…

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