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Hillary Clinton Won the Catholic Vote After All, So Dems Should Stay Pro-Choice, Right?

…in 2020 and most will have gone to that great election booth in the sky by 2024. Similarly, the Hispanic vote went overwhelmingly for Clinton at 74% to 19%, for a massive 55% advantage. Of course, at least some of this can be accounted for by Trump’s hostility toward Hispanic immigrants and may not carry over to future Republican candidates. But young voters have a tendency to stick with the party they first vote for, so it’s likely that Trump ha…

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Did Romney Cynically Cite His Mormon Faith for Impeachment Vote as Critics Claim?

…ects, the senator couldn’t say. (He doesn’t have to face voters again until 2024.) But as he thought about it, another hymn came to mind. “Do what is right; let the consequence follow,” he recited. “And I don’t know what all the consequences will be.” Trump and his defenders got on high pissy-face about that. “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” the president sniffed (literally). “Nor do I l…

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It’s Time for Democrats to Read the Bible Verses on the Wall and Stop Courting White Evangelicals

…would lead to only 70% of white evangelicals to vote for the Republican in 2024 is pure folly. But, why is this the case? Despite the dozens of advocacy groups that have sprung up over the last few years to try and “peel off” white evangelicals, why have they, by and large, failed to move the needle in any significant way away from the GOP? The answer is simply that this group of voters are Republicans first, white people second, and evangelicals…

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Reactions to Biden’s Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism’s Anti-Asian Side

…h Gosar reportedly playing a role in planning the riots. Inevitably, their sanctified Sinophobia and contempt for democracy merged in their followers’ imaginations; attempted sedition, during which rioters paraded signs such as “CCP wants world domination,” was the inevitable result. At the beginning of a new administration, the God-fearing conspiracy theorizers targeting Biden’s “CCP Handler” remind us that sanctified Sinophobia will continue to…

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Leaked ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donor Comments Clearly Demonstrate Christian Nationalist Presence

…to a much, much, much broader field of commentary. There are literally thousands upon thousands of comments in this single donor file engaging in a range of theologies and ideological commentaries, in service of funding an insurrection in Canada. However sparse these particular examples may be, I hope that researchers will invest the time to dig into the religious narratives being sent, alongside money, to the siege of Ottawa—because even as the m…

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How 95% of Jewish Israelis Support a ‘Plausible’ Genocide

…” amount of force or “too little” force in Gaza, according to a mid-January 2024 poll. That’s 95% support for a plausible genocide: Image: The International MA Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at the Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University Polling data from the Agam Institute suggests that some 60% of Israeli Jews oppose allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. That is, 60% of Jewish Israelis believe all 2.2 milli…

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Sex, the Body, the World: It’s R. Crumb’s Bible Now

…oween night in San Francisco—Michael Jackson on the MUNI bus, Barbara Streisand teetering on four-inch heels at Starbucks—was this one: comix artist Robert Crumb onstage at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center, headlining the Jewish Book Fest at its sold-out opening event. Basically it was the usual Jewish Bay Area crowd, coming out in droves for Crumb, who had apparently become an honorary member of the tribe by illustrating that tribal book…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…side were two great gazebos, where folks ate and talked late into the pleasant night; there was a beach volleyball pit and a full basketball court. The occasion was more stressful: an Open House, an invitation to explain Islam in America to a general audience of San Antonians. Afterwards, a garrulous visitor asked me how I reconciled Muhammad’s teachings with American life; since Muhammad was primarily a political leader and a general, was it not…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…ool handbook with anti-gay rhetoric have punctuated his unpopular stint in San Francisco. The smart money is on him being promoted and relocated, as happened with Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law and other clerics who have contributed so actively to the rapid exodus of members from Catholic parishes. At some point, these sorts of executive employees become too expensive to maintain. It becomes cost effective to put a golden parachute on their mitres…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…ublic health researchers working in cooperation with Mormon lay leaders at San Francisco State University’s Family Acceptance project. But with its explicit call for improved treatment of LGBT people within Mormon communities, the site opens new horizons of possibility. Kendall Wilcox, a gay Mormon and maker of the documentary Far Between, “I am encouraged by the fact that the Church is promoting the value of listening to and em…

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