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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…cious political capital to try to revive it. Israel’s right-wing leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems set to win another term as prime minister and continue blocking the path to peace. Well over 70% of American Jews want a two-state solution. Those I talk to generally want Israel to make significant concessions toward a just peace, but all the depressing facts on the ground leave them feeling frustrated, disheartened, and often tempted to give up. Th…

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The Right Questions Kamala Harris’ Blackness — Yet as Long as She Holds Any Power She’ll Always Be Too Black for Them

…ct for her, and will hyper-focus on one thing (like her laugh or race) and minimize another—even things like continuously mispronouncing her name. It’s easy enough to stress the second “a” in Kamala (pronounced calm-uh-lah), but why would we do that when Donald Trump “couldn’t care less” if he mispronounces it? Who cares, right? We may not care, but as speed-talking right-winger Ben Shapiro says, “facts don’t care about your feelings.” Hell, even…

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Behind the Inclusive-Sounding Ads of this $100 Million PR-Blitz-for-Jesus it’s the Same Old Conservative Christian Fantasy

…ng for the projects they support, are often used by the Christian Right to minimize transparency. As CT reports, the “He Gets Us” ad spots were produced by Bill McKendry, whose portfolio includes campaigns for notorious Christian Right organizations like Focus on the Family and Alliance Defending Freedom. The “He Gets Us” spots feature all the forced earnestness of the “This is Your Brain on Drugs” ads from the 1980s, but none of the accidental hi…

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New Poll: Repeal DOMA

…s’ intervention, while only 32 percent support it. Opponents may try to dismiss the poll, since it was commissioned by the largest organization fighting for LGBT rights, but the numbers [pdf] show that the sample actually skewed right. Of the 800 registered voters polled 38 percent were strong, weak, or independent-leaning Democrats with 41 percent identifying as strong, weak, or independent leaning Republicans. Conservatives outweighed liberals b…

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New Report on (White) Christian Nationalism and the J6 Insurrection Shows Just ‘How Dire the Threat is’

…ee of interest in the February 9 webinar, for which 1500 people registered, 800 of whom attended. These are very large numbers for events of this nature, and part of the reason for releasing the report at this time is to “keep public attention on Christian nationalism.” While no particular next steps are immediately planned, Tyler expresses hope “that this will be a resource for the [US House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack], and for othe…

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As Florida Attempts to Make it Illegal, an Argument for the Sacred Work of White Discomfort

…nts and are inconsistent with SBE-approved standards include the denial or minimization of the Holocaust, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, meaning the theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice, but that racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons. Instruction may not utilize material from the 1619 Project and may not define American history as something oth…

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Prosperity Gospel Is Not the Only Problem with Joel Osteen’s Harvey Response

…pital and the trust of the people they serve, including difficult to reach minority and immigrant populations, especially vulnerable in disasters. They also have an exhaustive variety of human, material, and spatial resources—from volunteers to parking lots—that can serve as a staging ground for rescue operations. Perhaps most significantly, people of faith are moved to action by their moral framework and sense of compassion. At the same time, the…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…iders to be his prophetic duty. He says that he approaches his task with humility and acknowledges how all of us operate with limited vision. He makes it clear that he is addressing “my beloved nation” as a patriot and not as a mouthpiece for either North Vietnam or the National Liberation Front (“Viet Cong”)—entities which he does not regard as “paragons of virtue.” Then King proceeds to make the antiwar case with unparalleled clarity, citing the…

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What Coverage of a Fatal Orthodox Baptism Reveals About Western Media

…mportant marker of Eastern Christian identity—particularly as increasingly numbers of Eastern Christians became the simultaneous targets of Western crusaders and Islamic conquerors. In this context, rigid adherence to liturgical customs became a means by which to assert and preserve identity in the face of colonization and oppression. Conversely, adherence to Christian practices abandoned by the Christian West—if not in the Middle Ages then certai…

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Rep. Cleaver’s ‘Awoman’ Prayer Enrages Christian Nationalists Who Taste Their Own Medicine and Still Miss the Point

…h or fetish of their choosing. But they should not do so with a government microphone, and not on the taxpayers’ time and dime. We’ve seen plenty of divisive prayers from the conservative side. Often deliberately so, wielding prayer like a cudgel. The Pennsylvania legislator’s Jesus-laden, jaw-dropping prayer uttered to intimidate the state’s first female Muslim legislator. A preacher echoed this prayer, telling the Virginia House of Delegates tha…

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