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A collage of a Bible, Valdimir Putin, and the Kremlin and an outline of Russia

Putin’s ‘Year of the Family’ Declaration Blends Russian Nationalism with the Far-Right Rhetoric of the Global Pro-Family Movement

…percent of the total Russian population in 2021—according to the official numbers. When read against the dwindling numbers of some of Russia’s largest ethnic minority groups, such as Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Avars, Armenians, and Ukrainians, this data suggests that many Russian citizens do not feel safe enough to disclose their ethnic identity in the current political climate defined by the Russification of the nation. See Robert Coalson, “Russ…

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Swimming Against the Tide: Religious (Non) Affiliation Might Not Mean What You Think It Means

…ffiliate with large institutions (religious and otherwise) in general. The rate of decline in affiliation for America’s two largest protestant denominations—the Southern Baptist Convention (evangelical) and the United Methodist Church (mainline)—is roughly the same. Declension among mainline denominations has been widely reported for some time and for good reason. From 2007 to 2014 the number of Americans who affiliate with a mainline denomination…

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Dispatches From the Rhodian Shore: A (Tough) Love Letter to Religious Studies

…Stream); and Antarctic sea and ice shelves. That’s a lot of water. And the rate of melt is only going to increase. The rate also tracks closely to worst-case sea-level- rise predictions from the most recent IPCC report for ice sheets, suggesting a minimum 16 inches of sea level rise by 2100 from just this one source, with more to come after that. (For those of you employed at campuses or institutions near the coast, like I am, this should be addin…

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The Demographic that Should Keep Rove Awake at Night

…orate in 2011, up from nine percent in 2008, and they voted for Obama at a rate of 71 percent. But it’s the nones that should be keeping Karl Rove up at night. Pew put them at 12 percent of the electorate in its exit poll data, and at 19.6 percent in its earlier general survey. (The difference appears to have more to do with polling methodology than with voting habits.) The Public Religion Research Institute, in a study published on November 15, p…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…church since the Protestant Reformation. That’s what we’re dealing with. X number of megablocks of Christianity, each with Y millions of Christians. Categories of Christianity zoom from the left onto Peter Wagner’s huge blue WLI classroom screen, bouncing slightly for effect as they hit the right edge of the screen before rebounding to center. There’s one little block of 20 million or so, explains Wagner, which includes Mormons and Jehovah’s Witne…

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Pastor of Kentucky Church Severed From Baptists Over LGBT Inclusion: Not Activism, Just Honesty

…years. I came about the time that folks from Burma began arriving in large numbers and uniting in membership with Crescent Hill, and much of my time in those early years was spent trying to figure out how in the world we might be able to be a unified body that includes people who don’t speak English, who have a completely foreign background and cultural experience. It took a lot of hard work but we reached a place a number of years ago where, whil…

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“Integrated into a Burning House?”: A Pre-Inauguration Conversation with Rev. Cecil Murray

…s along and they have a champion, they expose themselves. When you saw the numbers following the election, the red states were like blood on the maps. He wants America to become powerful again. I couldn’t understand that thinking because at this tick of the watch, America is the most powerful, richest nation in the history of the world. What do you mean become powerful again? He means empowering the white elite. A good portion of his platform is e…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lot for Le Pen. Among the party’s openly gay officials is Chief Campaign Strategist Sebastien Chenu. “Those who want to fight against freedoms are Islamic radicals,” Chenu said. “They put bombs in gay night clubs in the United States. So obviously, it creates an anxiety for a certain number of gays.” A Foreign Policy story reported that, in spite of a public relations offensive distancing itself from its anti-Semitic and fascist-sympathizing past,…

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The Republicans’ Dangerous Quest to End Nonexistent Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

…ously affiliated” and that Catholic women have abortions at about the same rate as all women. (Guttmacher recently demonstrated that unmarried Catholic and evangelical women have sex, and both married and unmarried Catholic and evangelical women use birth control, in contravention of religious teaching, as well.) A crisis brews, in light of Indiana Governor Mitch “social issues truce” Daniels’ signing into law a state ban on funding to Planned Par…

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Peter Beinart’s Controversial The Crisis of Zionism: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Treatment

…ot going away nor, I would argue, should it. American Jews intermarry at a rate commensurate with many other minority populations in America (excluding blacks and Latinos), so is Beinart suggesting ethnic groups should only marry one another? Or is he saying that intermarriage between a Polish Catholic and a Korean Presbyterian is fine but that Jews should only marry other Jews? It may be that the intermarried Jew cares less about Israel, but rect…

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