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Glenn Beck Hijacks It’s a Wonderful Life

…njoy together. Yes, Beck is now trying to steal the great 1946 Frank Capra classic It’s a Wonderful Life and turn it into a rallying cry for the conservative anti-government Christian right. This week on his radio show, he announced he was going to do his show from the town of Wilmington, Ohio on December 15. Of the countless towns across the country hard hit by the recession, Wilmington, which has only about 12,000 people, may be one of the worst…

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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…ing it.” A message conveniently timed for the opening of the new season of American Idol. But if the local libertarian right threw up its hands this year, the anti-abortion right continues to draft King into their cause. The Rocky Mountains March 4 Life celebrated King Day by marching to the former home of Planned Parenthood on the west side of Colorado Springs (the facility has since moved, but both the old and new locations are in predominantly…

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Controversial “Bishop of the Poor” Dies at 86

…le often caricatured as a “red bishop” who preached a communist message of class struggle that supported the armed Zapatistas, Bishop Ruiz consistently espoused a vision of nonviolence and peaceful mediation. In 1999 he founded the Father Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Centre and his life as a whole reminds us that the Latin American Church has been and still is the Church of the Poor. Bishops Ruiz’s death marks the passing of yet another pri…

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How Religion Shapes Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart

…ening arguments before the Supreme Court in the landmark Dukes v. Wal-Mart class action suit—no big surprise from the Court that gave us Citizens United (2010). But as a nationwide assault on workers’ rights continues, it’s worth remembering the role that gender and religious views of gender play in the fate of labor. And experts say there’s little doubt that religion played a role in shaping the “Wal-Mart Way” on gender. (Recent stats show that t…

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The Right Wing Bible and the Politics of Impotence

…ir Square. There’s room to disagree about what would constitute justice in American economics—perhaps public servants will need to reduce their expectations in a period of national austerity—but it was good to see Americans doing something other than waiting for the world to change. It’s only a start, but if we can also remember, as we set national policy, that we were once religious refugees, hardscrabble pioneers, and many waves of tired, poor,…

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Kyl Demands Condemnation of “Violent or Hateful Rhetoric,” But Doesn’t Follow Own Advice

…vocates at today’s Senate hearing on protecting the civil rights of Muslim Americans about why her organization didn’t condemn violent rhetoric: “I wonder if you’ve made any public pronouncement or statement condemning those religious leaders who employed violent or hateful rhetoric or promoted hateful views of other religious groups. Have you done that or has your website done that?” I’m looking at Senator Kyl’s website right now. Hmm, where’s th…

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Egyptians Approve Constitution with Establishment of Islam as State Religion

…—most of which has to do with the way that Egyptian society is split along class lines and geographical lines, and the failure of the “no” vote to engage beyond their comfort zone and build a coalition. Religion did play a role, though less as a spiritual imperative than as an identity politics movement. The Coptic Church let it be known that they supported a “no” vote on the basis that if a new constitution were arrived at later on, with a parlia…

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Utah Rejects Arizona-Style Anti-Immigrant Politics

…s to check the immigration status of individuals arrested for felonies and class B and C misdemeanors. But it is receiving national attention as a break with the spirit and method of Arizona’s now infamously punitive SB 1070, and similar measures in Oklahoma and Missouri. LDS Presiding Bishop David Burton spoke at the signing ceremony to voice appreciation for the legislature’s work, a move that in its openness and publicity is viewed as a strong…

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Wisconsin Religious Voices Witness Against Scott Walker

…he haves and have-nots of society by taking resources away from the middle class and the poor and giving them to the wealthiest among us.” He continues: “This is a serious moral problem for religious people, because our sacred scriptures teach that the government has a responsibility to do the opposite – to prevent this gap from becoming too wide. We have therefore asked for a meeting with the Governor to discuss these moral concerns with him.” Me…

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