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Eat, Pray, Kill: The Basic Brutality of Eating

…speaking, vegetables get all the glory,” Ariel Kaminer lamented in the New York Times, playing the role of the paper’s esteemed Ethicist. And so, in an attempt to buck this trend the paper launched an essay contest in March of this year: in search of the ethical argument for meat. Essays were judged by a star-studded panel that included vocal vegetarians like Peter Singer and Jonathan Safran Foer as well as more cautiously omnivorous foodies such…

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On Rick Santorum’s Piety: “Torquemada Was, in that Sense, a Model Catholic”

Writing at the New York Review of Books today (in a post that deserves a full read), Garry Wills offers what should be the final word on Santorum’s backward-facing faithiness : Rick Santorum is a nice smiley fanatic. He does not believe in evolution or global warming or women in the workplace. He equates gay sex with bestiality (Rick “Man on Dog” Santorum). He equates contraception with the guillotine. Only a brain-dead party could think him a wo…

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Is It the Job of Religion Journalists to Define “Religion”?

…fectly reasonable) definition of religion. When Linker asks “why can’t the New York Times’ religion columnist define religion,” the answer I think is three-fold: First, Oppenheimer was writing as a journalist, who covers religion for the NY Times, much as journalists, such as Joe Palca, cover science for NPR. Just as Palca reports on research in the sciences that he finds interesting, so too Oppenheimer in the column in question was reporting on a…

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Experimental Theater Meets Experimental Faith: The Wooster Group’s “Early Shaker Spirituals”

…y members still performing after 39 years, as one of the best actresses in New York, and wondered at her decision not to work with other companies. It certainly doesn’t seem to bother her any. In Early Shaker Spirituals (which ends its successful run on June 15th) Valk steps further away from the spotlight by acting as director. Like the Sabbathday Lake Shaker site, which is both a religious community, museum, and shop, The Wooster Group has also…

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Loving the Lonely Polygamist

…disdain or distaste for polygamy. The most glaring example: last Sunday’s New York Times Book Review, wherein reviewer Eric Weinberger feels obliged to denounce polygamy as a  “culturally alien and abhorrent practice” and concludes by wishing that Brady had shown “a little less respect” for his protagonist Golden Richards and his four wives.   Huh?   I wrote Brady and asked him for his reaction:   [Weinberger] thinks that I’m not clear-eyed or cr…

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What to Wear When Praying with the Pope

…tion in a more meaningful context, as he does with regard to the death penalty. He doesn’t seem to know how to nag or scold. For me? I found something to wear with my collar. And have renewed gratitude for the yoke the collar implies. Forty years ordained, I never thought I’d be renewed by a pope or the Pope. And guess what? I am….

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Bush Era to Blame for Renewed Interest in Mainline?

…n in the post Roe v. Wade era—spurred a generation of scholars to create a new history of American evangelicalism and fundamentalism. Schuessler’s piece suggests that it was a counter-reaction to George W. Bush’s two terms that has inspired the renewed focus on liberal Protestants; and then, of course, the election of President Obama, coming as he did from a church that was part of mainline Protestantism (a UCC congregation in Chicago).  That’s su…

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Progressive Faith Leaders Rally to Keep Heat on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

…w, the way forward for the Obama Administration is politically murky, said New York magazine writer Chris Rovzar in a September 10 analysis. “If the Justice Department simply doesn’t appeal the case after this ruling, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ might just go away. If Obama waits for Congress to address the issue, a Republican-led house might reject an overturn,” wrote Rovzar. For Knox, the way forward is clear, and the faith communities he represents…

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Islam in Conflict with Democracy? A Response to Stanley Fish

…A week earlier, literary theorist Stanley Fish penned a piece for the New York Times exploring the conflicts that emerge when Muslim immigrants to Western nations “evidence a desire to order their affairs, especially domestic affairs, by Shari’ah law rather than by the supposedly neutral law of a godless liberalism.” Fish is well-known for exposing the tensions between our political ideals and the practical demands of life in a pluralistic societ…

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Meet the New LDS Face of Immigration Politics

…ch to immigration reform signed by state leaders in 2010 and hailed by the New York Times as a model—and one of its key institutional backers, the LDS Church.  The LDS Church helped influence the compact design and announced its support in a formal statement issued in November 2010, citing particular concern for “love for neighbors, family cohesion, and the observance of just and enforceable laws.” Pearce represents an ethnocentric red-state Rocky…

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