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Obama’s “Phony Religion” is Environmentalism, Santorum Explains

…ering environmentalism (that they call pantheism) was one of Vision Forums key “accomplishments” in 2010 here and 2011 here. According to Vision Forum’s year-end report,  “Without a proper understanding of the biblical doctrine of creation, man, the animal kingdom, dominion and sovereignty, our children may well fall prey to the vision-destroying false worship and spirit of the age—environmental pantheism. Environmental pantheism is a direct attac…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…said.” Around the time of these conferences, Georgetown University’s three-year-old LGBTQ Resource Center received a $1 million donation from a somewhat surprising source. Paul J. Tagliabue, a Georgetown alumnus and former Commissioner of the NFL, and his wife Chandler allocated one-fifth of their $5 million gift to the university to establish the Tagliabue Initiative for LGBTQ Life.  “The Center is inspired by Catholic and Jesuit principles of r…

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Cues for Throwing Up

…fe does not have a Baptist or Catholic or Greek Orthodox or any other brand-specific label,” Chaput said. “John 14:6 – ‘I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me’ – which is so key to the identity of Houston Baptist University, burns just as hot in this heart, and the heart of every Catholic who truly understands his faith. Our job is to love God, preach Jesus Christ, serve and defend God’s people, and sanctify the…

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Becket Fund Misleads on Obama Defense of Contraception Lawsuit

…t be stopped,” she said in her statement. The tenor of the Republicans’ statements and questioning is captured by Arizona’s Rep. Trent Franks, who called the HHS regulation “not only a slap in the face to millions of Americans of faith, it is patently unconstitutional.”  But Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), pointed out, “To be against birth control is a right in America, but to deny women birth control is way beyond that right.”…

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Maryland Voters Split on Marriage Equality, So Far

…the bill into law. Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of the Catholic LGBT-supportive New Ways Ministry, was in the crowd. “I was so proud that our Catholic governor relied on our faith’s tradition of equality and justice for all people, including lesbian and gay people,” Sister Jeannine said. “It was an honor to participate in this moment, and I’m glad I was there to show the strong support that Catholics have for marriage equality for lesbian a…

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All the Candidates’ Religion Problems

…polls. It seems that this is his stumbling block to decisive victories in key states like Ohio. I don’t think this is all attributable to anti-Mormon bias; it’s in part attributable to a distaste for Romney the flip-flopper, Romney the imperfect representative of the Christian nation mythology and the anti-secularist, “biblical” worldview. Last night on MSNBC, Lawrence O’Donnell speculated that if Santorum did win the nomination (which looks unli…

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Surprises in Survey of Hispanics on Homosexuality

…ome traditionalist Hispanics with their tactics (just as they reinforce non-Hispanic traditionalists), it’s doubtful that it will translate into actual anti-gay Hispanic votes when ballot measures appear. Hispanic opinions on LGBT people, like those in the general population, are often driven by religious beliefs. The study found that “Protestants are far more likely to say that homosexuality is a sin (59%) compared to Catholics (37%) and other Hi…

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Clash of the (Scottish Islamic) Tartans

…, Anas Sarwar (Labour MP), and Shaikh Amir Jamil at Glasgow City Chambers, key political figures in Scotland. Ibrahim stated that he had consulted Islamic scholars to bring together the ‘civilizations’ of Islam and Scotland. The Scottish Islamic tartan has also been endorsed by the Sunni-oriented Muslim Council of Scotland. I have been left scratching my head. Which Islam does this tartan represent? Is it a Sunni Islamic tartan? Does it represent…

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It Gets Better: Gay Mormons Hold Conference in DC

…thering signatures in support of a ballot initiative to overturn a recently-passed marriage equality law. But for this group of pioneering LGBT Mormons a key focus rather than marriage is on honoring the diversity of approaches to being a gay Mormon and on claiming LGBT affirming spaces within this deeply-held faith. Says conference organizing committee member Randall Thacker, “I run into more and more gay Mormons who would like to go to church. T…

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Lessons from the Defeat of the Oklahoma Personhood Bill

…tment. Nevertheless, some supporters of the bill continued to claim that SB-1433 was nothing more than a statement of pro-life principles and wouldn’t affect Oklahomans’ access to assisted reproduction, emergency medical treatment, and their chosen form of birth control. The problem for personhood supporters, though, is that amendments started to seem like a very good idea to some key parties: Oklahomans who formed Facebook pages and called their…

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