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Dalai Lama: “I Am a Marxist, But Not a Leninist”

…educated Taiwanese students went back and ran their country. The Taiwanese Central Bank or the equivalent of Federal Reserve Board, for instance, was for decades run by economists trained at the University of Minnesota). Basking in the inspirational afterglow of the meeting, students at the post-meeting reception chatted vigorously with their friends. “He has a very cute personality,” the 22-year-old philosophy undergraduate who asked the Tibetan…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…f God making? Who is it harming? In one of his books, Kaufman writes, “The central question for theology… is a practical question. How are we to live? To what should we devote ourselves? To what causes give ourselves?” He argues that theology that does not contribute significantly to struggles against inhumanity and injustice has lost sight of its point of being. I can’t know if God exists, but I do know the word God is operating in the world, run…

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Devil’s Bookmark: We Do Not Deserve God’s Anger

…t.” Wood’s novel is just such a juicy, delectable stew. Many of the book’s central ideas circle around heretical views on religion. But contrary to its title, the book is not a straightforward piece of literary God-hatred  (what I have termed misotheism). Instead, the protagonist, Tom Bunting, is at once an anti-theist when he identifies himself as a “rebel… against inherited religion”; he’s a plain atheist when he affirms that “I don’t believe th…

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Omar Ahmad: Muslim, American, Cowboy Boot Aficionado (1965–2011)

…echnological world in which we live. He held high-level positions at Grand Central (now Google Voice), Netscape, and Napster. He once said that when the order came to close Napster as a file sharing service, he was the one who had to “pull the plug.” Despite his technological wizardry, he was firmly committed to building his community the old-fashioned way, by getting to know you. He says on his website, “If you ever have questions regarding who I…

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Church and State in Mexico: A Political Party Wavers on Women’s Rights

…oduced Mexico City’s historic 2007 abortion law. Standing in Mexico City’s central square, Tonatiuh González promoted the policy by handing out condoms and informational brochures. Of course, even before the country’s anti-abortion onslaught, the PRI sided with religious forces on occasion. In the 1990s, PRI President Carlos Salinas de Gortari supported constitutional reforms overturning stringent state control of churches, such as not allowing ch…

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Where are the Clergy? A Report from Occupy DC

…ng activities; its repeal led to the financial services products that were central to the catastrophic economic collapse of 2008.) Actions with Consequences In the main, the sign listing the Occupy DC goals was heavier on wonkery than anarchism; albeit laden with some highly generalized goals (“foist off the corporate hijacking of society and politics!”). Merritt questioned why religious groups motivated by “social justice,” the term used by progr…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek

…ian and Muslim, with both heavily influenced by their roots in traditional African faith. According to a recent Pew Forum study, Christians even hold a slight majority with 50.8% of the population.  Both Muslims and Christians in Nigeria today are prone to varieties of secularism; in particular the rapacious capitalism that finds its base in Nigeria’s petroleum economy. The divide between the rich and the poor can be evidenced in every part of the…

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Silver Bells and Atheist Billboards

…y eyes, I can nevertheless see clearly. Yes, 37 million Americans know myths when they see them. That’s because we live in one. Our myth says religion is still central to our lives, and, hey—is that the line for the Wired in-store wind tunnel over there?…

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Two Cheers for British Museum’s Sanitized Hajj Exhibition

…exhibition explores the various paths of journeys undertaken to reach the central fixture of Islam through manuscripts, photographs, textiles, relics, and what it means to be a haji (a pilgrim of the Hajj). Notable hajis represented in the exhibition include Lady Evelyn Cobbald, the first British woman to perform the rituals of Hajj. Two awe-inspiring highlights include one of the oldest copies of the Qur’an from the 8th century, and a visually s…

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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…s robbing you of yours. The supposed deprivation of religious freedom is a central facet of Gingrich’s attempt to win the religious right vote. Romney’s speech was all about the economy, and how you, like him, can be happy if the government just stays out of capitalism. He depicted Bain Capital as a not-fancy place that took a small amount of money ($5 or $10 million, he said) to launch a company like Staples. Gingrich earned $1.6 million lobbying…

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