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Talmud on Trial: Interfaith Dialogue in the 13th Century

…his holy books, and take some time to critically examine the relationship between the two religions. The result, of course, is an expansion of interfaith knowledge, even as it deepens interfaith misunderstanding. It culminates in the destruction of property and the further deterioration of a relationship that, at least in the preceding decades, hadn’t actually been all that dysfunctional. We tend to assume, here in the 21st century, that formaliz…

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Preachers’ Daughters Episode 4: Victoria Apologizes, Olivia is Embarrassed, and Taylor Dances Around in Silly Underpants

…shows us a Victoria who accepts responsibility for her mistakes and wants better for her daughters.  Her daughters want something for her, too, as it turns out: they’d like for her to reconcile with their dad, preacher and retired pro wrestler Nikita Koloff. In fact, they’ve arranged for Nikita to surprise Victoria with a date. You guys, it’s Parent Trap! Of her mom’s reaction, Kolby predicts “Her heart’s gonna fall out of her butt.”  [hard blink…

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Are the Culture Wars Over? Look at the States

…is a concerted effort to dismantle our First Amendment rights and redefine freedom. As a result, elected leaders across the nation are realizing the importance of preserving religious freedom and are being proactive through legislative process.” The CPCF, which represents more than 60 members of Congress, claims to be “[a]larmed by the concerted effort to remove God from every vestige of government and to silence the voice of millions” and therefo…

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Demonized and Demonizing No More.

…understanding and enrich the quality of the conversations that take place between people in various communities. As I began to speak about and do work related to the intersection of atheist identity and interfaith dialogue, I drew a lot on my personal stories and began to recognize how my experiences shaped my conclusions and my work. I stepped back and observed the narrative arc of my own life. I think narrative is a very helpful entry point to…

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Marriage Equality: A Civil Religious Moment

…ly what Reed has in mind? Obviously, Reed—who now works for the “Faith and Freedom Coalition”—is talking about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. He’s doing a kind of constitutional drag performance for the press, dressing his religious values in secular sequins and pearls, but we all know what’s beneath the costume, right? Likewise with those on the pro-LGBT side. We, too, change costumes depending on which ball we’re attending. At the Supreme Cou…

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6 Words Not in RNC Autopsy: Christian, Religion, Abortion, Marriage, Jesus, God

…rty’s intertwined relationship with the religious right. And six words, so central to the religious right’s messaging and mobilization, and thus imperative to a Republican presidential hopeful’s lexicon, do not appear at all in the report. Those words are Christian, religion, abortion, marriage, Jesus, and God. No Christian nation, no crucial role of faith in American public life, no shining city on the hill, no scourge of abortion, no need for pr…

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New Pope Accused of Conspiring in Kidnapping

…torship—and outrage over the crimes committed during that period—remains a central part of the activist narrative in Argentina, heard widely at demonstrations in support of LGBT and reproductive rights. A common protest chant—“Iglesia. Basura. Vos sos la dicatura!” (Church. Garbage. You are the dictatorship!)—today became—“Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”  Habemus Papam Franciscum! Check back (or sign up for the newsletter) for a more det…

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Note to the New Pope: Half of the World’s Poor are Women

…e the Catholic women among them of contraceptives, of the use of condoms that could protect them from HIV-AIDS, and of the ministry of women priests who would marry, absolve, and anoint them, is no service to them. Even as President Ronald Reagan challenged Michael Gorbachev to tear down the wall between East and West, the much-loved Pope John Paul II put every effort into freeing the Catholics of Eastern Europe from religious and political oppres…

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Forget History Channel’s The Bible, Meet Omar

…st Muslim polity expanded into Jerusalem, Damascus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Central Asia. (Muhammad died in 632; Omar was Caliph from 634-644.) That’s some good television.  It’s also surprisingly nuanced, considering what I grew up learning in Sunday School. Omar is one of the so-called “musalsilat,” series that are produced specifically for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Every night, after a) drinking, like Bosnians allegedly do (ask Michael B…

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Secularism Destigmatized

…ish Civilization and author of the book, How to Be Secular. Berlinerblau’s central argument is that secularism has a robust history in the United States, but that it needs to “check into rehab.” As Berlinerblau told me when we discussed his book on Bloggingheads, secularism, as a social movement and political worldview, has been in a downward trajectory over recent decades in the United States. In his book, Berlinerblau offers a “12-step program”…

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