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Magic v. Science: Doctor Who Part III

…they do in order to survive. Because of this insight, the Doctor is not a classic vampire slayer, so much as an ecologist. He stops the Saturnynians for the same reason that environmentalists in North America combat the snakehead fish. Finally, it is fitting that Calvierri offers an alliance with the Doctor. Like the vampire, the Doctor is also an immortal outsider walking among us. He too has unnatural abilities and is alluring to the opposite s…

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Planetary Profiling: Dr. Who Part II

…ilitary commander who identifies himself as “Father Octavian—Bishop Second Class, 20 clerics at my command.” Clearly there is some interesting church history in the thirty centuries between that future and our present, but the episode doesn’t explore it, beyond a throwaway line to the effect that “it’s the 51st century—the church has moved on.” Of course, Father Octavian isn’t what’s exciting about this episode. It’s the return of the Weeping Ange…

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Is This Light?

…this morning I offered to drive my daughter and my grandson to their mommy class at 9:30 with the reasoning I would start my blog after that, and still have it done before noon. Only for that I have an appointment with myself at 10. It’s avoidance, for sure. But why? Whenever I think of surat-al-Nur, I want to say I think about the passages about divine light nur an ‘ala nur. But alas, it’s the gender and society stuff that always gets stuck in my…

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Ted Haggard on ‘Loveless’ Evangelical Church

…lacking in today’s evangelical churches. He says he can’t find a seminary class exclusively devoted to teaching future leaders about love. He can’t find any megachurch conferences that have one workshop developed to teaching about how to love one another. “It’s not surprising that we’ve developed a loveless church,” Haggard says. Since June, at the Pikes Peak Center (Cheech and Chong will be performing their Getting Legal tour there Oct. 16), Hag…

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Capricology: A Robot is Being Tortured

…t week when I was traveling in Israel and the West Bank with my journalism class. Caprica wasn’t aired where I was; neither could I download it. But its themes were present in the “othering,” religious extremism, ethnic tension, violence, and gender performances that constitute everyday life in the region. Fact is an adrenaline rush, but fiction has better sets and costumes. If you want to know about the real deal, my post is here and the students…

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The Lesser and the Greater Pilgrimage

…xciting enough that it was actually counterproductive that I had taken the class so I could go free-jump. It made so much sense when she described it that way. But then, I guess she didn’t know how much I worry about things like mosquitoes and hangnails. The type-A perfectionist in me not only craves a correct performance, but also a transformative one. And yet, having gone around the block/globe so many times before this, I am not sure what I wil…

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As Gays More Accepted, Religious Opponents More Vocal

…nion as dramatically as support for gay and lesbian rights. Since 1994 the numbers really pop off the charts over a 20-year period. These trends occur across all religious communities. So the white evangelical fundamentalists today are far more accommodating to gays and lesbians than they were twenty years ago. So are Catholics and mainline Protestants.” Despite that growing accommodation, some more conservative religious leaders—especially those…

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Ending DADT = Draft?

…us from the military: ”I would tell them to serve anyway,” [Sergeant First Class Benjamin] Ratcliff replied. “If all men of courage and men that had a moral compass were to leave the military, then we wouldn’t have a military. There would be nobody left to serve and protect. So I don’t really—I would serve regardless of what comes out of Washington.” But, not letting facts get in the way of a good scare, Perkins – faced with a Democratic commitmen…

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Rewriting the History of Catholic Schools in America

…part of Hughes’s plan, and on this, he was probably correct. As scholar of American religion Tracy Fessenden has demonstrated, even after the King James Bible was excluded from the curriculum, “non-sectarian” textbooks and morals education in public schools would for decades be strikingly “pan-Protestant,” geared to rooting out “sectarian” immigrant religious identity. But even if Hughes was dedicated to American religious freedom, he certainly wa…

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Do Boys in Tutus Break God’s ‘Chain of Command’?

…society that we never notice them anymore — until a little boy walks into class in a dress. Despite their status as victims, however, what these women did to this mother is nothing short of bullying. Their reactions — even though they may come masked as “concern” — really spring from an unconscious place of deeply internalized misogyny. More importantly, these mothers are models for their children — and in attacking this mother for “allowing” her…

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