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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…apparently. From the beginning of Zionism, lack of self-respect has been a central fear in the movement. The first great Zionist writer, Leo Pinsker, condemned his fellow Jews for lack of self-respect and insisted that the only way they could regain it was to create their own nation. Today, as Lerner points out, that urge for self-respect has been distorted into the widespread Israeli fear of being a “freier”—a sucker—a fear of appearing weak and…

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A Superhuman Spirituality: Ang Lee’s Life of Pi

…life. They were taking one step closer towards renewing the fabled harmony between humans and animals that is central to many paradise myths. He believed that anthropological data on shamans substantiated his claims. But he also believed that we see a clear example of this in the Christian figure of Saint Francis, who famously preached his gospels to the birds and the fish and has been formally declared the “patron saint of ecology.” The philosoph…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…+972 that by assassinating Jabari, “Barak and Netanyahu knocked one of the central pillars of the pragmatist camp within Hamas, the camp that sustained the detente with Israel and made efforts to bolster Hamas’ political credentials at the expense of its paramilitary wing.” Israel has an election coming up, which plays no small role here. Depressingly, Reider adds, “Israel’s opposition has never seemed as haggard as it does tonight.” Israeli write…

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All Americans are Fat!

…eotype to further my own agenda. Again, I apologize, because I think it is wrong to do so. Someone who is aiming for the highest office in the United States, as Santorum is, should be held to a high moral standard, as the strong historical and current socioeconomic ties between The Netherlands and the United States should be held in high standing. All this leads me to the following conclusion: a man who uses such blatant false claims in order to p…

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Were Angels Just Lucid Dreams?

…ts to take control of the imagery in their dreams. They also figure in a Tibetan tradition called Dzogchen, in which meditators practice mastery of lucid dreaming as a training for navigating the Bardo, the after-death state that Buddhists believe helps to determine one’s future incarnation. The indigenous Senoi people, who live in the mountain jungles of central Malaysia, believe that by confronting and overcoming dangers in lucid dreams (like fi…

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Marxism, the Opium of the Professoriate?

…seen why such vagueness is indefensible. It seems to me that he fudges his central task—of convincing us that it could really happen—because he does not quite believe it himself. Rejecting the Fatalism of Conventional Wisdom So why, if I am right that he doesn’t quite believe in the practical possibility of Marxist revolution, does he advocate it? Because he sincerely believes in Marxism as a critical tool, as the authentic critical viewpoint. But…

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The Way of the Brother: How Critics Missed the Boat on Tree of Life

…hesis between nature and grace, father and mother. The sibling relation is central to the film. Between Nature and Grace  By suggesting we see Tree of Life not in terms of a dualistic choice, but as a “middle way,” I also mean to trigger a Buddhist sensibility to the film that runs alongside the more overtly Christian one. There is no space to develop a full account of this here, but it is worth mentioning that a “Buddhist reading” is entirely pla…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…at conferences and gatherings. And, as I’ve reported before, the alliance between non-charismatic evangelicals and the neo-Pentecostals dates back to the late 1970s. Bill Bright was one of the pioneers of bringing Pentecostals into the political fold with John Gimenez and the America for Jesus movement. Perry did not invent this. The AFA’s Don Wildmon, who played a big role in The Response, had carried on this tradition through the Arlington Grou…

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Bachmann Staffer Likens
Rick Perry to King Saul and Bachmann to anointed
King David

…d cover the state. Evangelicals in South Carolina will have a tough choice between Perry, who recently hosted a prayer meeting in Houston where over 30,000 evangelicals attended, and Bachmann, who has made her faith a central part of her campaign. The distinction offered by Waldron is that Perry looks the part of a Old Testament leader but Bachmann has God’s approval, as did King David. In the Old Testament, Saul was the first King of Israel and b…

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Untethering Conscience From Religion: An Interview with Louisa Thomas

…ew there was a richer, more complicated story that needed to be told.  The central figure in Conscience is Norman Thomas, my great-grandfather. He is known to posterity—very slightly—as a man who ran for president six times on the socialist ticket between 1928 and 1948, and who inspired a lot of people. But it’s also about his three brothers, Evan Thomas, the conscientious objector my father wrote about, and Ralph and Arthur, who were soldiers. Th…

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