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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…mber. That the case got so little attention in the U.S. (no mention in the New York Times, a brief article in the Washington Post) is striking, some would say disgraceful. In the U.K., the case got a bit more attention—see Nick Cohen’s impassioned article in The Observer: “The Deafening Silence of a Good Man’s Death.” Rafiq Tagi, a physician and journalist, had been a persistent critic of Azerbaijan’s authoritarian government and of the influence…

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Will Dems Find Moxie to Resist Immoral GOP Tax Plan?

…ers from borrowed funds). As tax expert Edward Kleinbard put it to the New York Times, Trump’s proposal is “a very cynical document”: The extraordinary thing about the proposal is that we know that it loses trillions of dollars in revenue, yet at the same time the only people we can identify as guaranteed winners are the most affluent. Bear in mind that the GOP plan actually raises taxes for the poorest wage earners while ensuring that future reve…

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How (Not) to Understand Romney’s Time as an LDS Bishop

…Bishop Romney and his interactions with Boston-area Mormon feminists. (The New York Times’s Sheryl Stolberg followed Stack’s trail of sources for her solid piece on Romney as bishop last month.) The Post’s story adds nuance through in-depth interviews with Boston-area Mormon feminists including Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, scholar Claudia Bushman, and others, who offer a picture of Romney as a rules-oriented organizatio…

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Democrats Alarmed Over USCCB Pressure on Obama over Contraceptive Coverage

…exemption to protect the “consciences” of employers and employees. The New York Times reported this weekend that the mandate was a discussion topic when Obama met recently with the USCCB president, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, who “said Mr. Obama was ‘very open to the sensitivities of the Catholic community.’” Democrats, not surprisingly, are alarmed that the Obama administration might back off a requirement approved by the HHS this past summer. HHS…

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Virgins and Vampire Worship: The Religion of Twilight 

…, for, ahem, “research purposes.” Packed into a sold-out theater in one of New York City’s busiest neighborhoods, I raised my head above the mayhem to get a look at the crowd. Much to my surprise, I didn’t see a single “Bite Me: Vampires Only Please” t-shirt. There were no creepy vampire contacts; no corsets; no capes; even the eyeliner was tastefully applied. I wondered: Where have all the Twi-hards gone? Suddenly, wolf-man Jacob appeared on scre…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…ntators ignore at their peril. (Think of all the relevant news stories the New York Times has not covered—say the early rise of the religious right—just because somewhere back there the Times’ owners decided that religion wasn’t relevant any longer!) The fact that I worked on this book for two years flat out for 15-plus hours a day, and took it through 28 full drafts shows that (besides being nuts), I certainly have done my utmost such as it is to…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…ious subjects with contempt. I asked one person for examples. He cited the New York Times’ excellent Laurie Goodstein. If that’s an example of “contempt” I hope this person never watches Bill Maher. But undercutting even reporters who profess to be religious appears to be a conservative pastime. Conservatives complain about mainstream coverage of their religion, but one thing you never hear, or don’t hear very much, is liberal religious people com…

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The ‘White Lie’ Connecting Trump’s Pardon of Arsonists, Immigration Fiasco, and Charlottesville

…Kelley has shown in the example of the destruction of public play areas in New York in the 1990s. As these performative moves reveal, America is a White space, and public spaces are sites of impromptu and systematic ritualized take-backs—land grabs writ small—because Whiteness is anti-public, anti-commons, and privatizing. Indeed, even these “public” spaces are stolen spaces, as is the case in the Malheur preserve, which sits on the Burns Paiute T…

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“Little Sisters” Being Sold As Face of Contraception Case

…ception is a significant financial burden.” Lori’s piece was followed by a New York Times op-ed purportedly written by Constance Veit, the Little Sisters’ director of vocations, but which sounded an awful lot like the briefs filed by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty on behalf of the order. The op-ed argues that requiring the sisters to notify the Department of Health and Human Services that it intends to opt-out of the contraceptive mandate,…

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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…est position yet held by an African-American” in the denomination, the New York Times notes. Fred Luter Jr. pastors a largely black church in New Orleans and is apparently an “overwhelming favorite to be elected president at the assembly next year.” This is great news for the Southern Baptists, who have been predominantly, if not exclusively, white since the denomination’s founding. One might ask why it took the denomination 11 years after the apo…

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