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From the cover of the Kindle edition of C. Peter Wagner's book.

It’s Not the Name It’s the Theocratic Vision — THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION’S PR PROBLEM

…Bob Mumford, and Charles Simpson; the leading thinkers of Christian Reconstructionism—including R.J. Rushdoony, Gary North, and Gary DeMar; as well as Harold Lindsell, Editor Emeritus of Christianity Today, Christian Right leader Tim LaHaye, and Adrian Rogers, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who was a leader in the fundamentalist takeover of the denomination. COR founder Jay Grimstead’s explanation (which has been taken down) of this…

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Pope Francis Dismisses Condoms in AIDS Fight

…oes on,” said O’Brien, who noted that these same bishops “are very often involved in the administration of Catholic charities, who take money from governments around the world, including USAID, believing in essence that the earth is flat and condoms don’t prevent the spread of HIV.”…

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Starbucks With a Smile, and a Shot of Politics

…te fancies, presumably on behalf of his shareholders. Eidelson cites Arlie Russell Hochschild’s helpful concept of emotional labor, which Hochschild defined as the “management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display; emotional labor is sold for a wage.”   Working for money has always involved emotional expression. But touting the boss man’s political agenda is a very different thing from touting the boss man’s product,…

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The Clenched Fist of Truthiness: Why Religion Won’t Fix This

…ed. Here’s where it gets really dark. Faith can’t bridge the chasm between worldviews in part because those worldviews often see competing moral visions as fundamentally illegitimate. At the same time, we depend on shared values to confer legitimacy on our political leaders. The Founding Fathers were explicit in calling for their politicians to set aside “faction” in favor of the American project. But the singularity of that project was always bul…

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How To Engage Politics As A Community?

…sn’t everyone?), whose response to the political situation in that country runs to prayer, speaking in tongues and spiritual warfare. This seems to me, as it does to Kotsko, to be a recipe for massive political quietism. But along the way, he entertains some doubts about his own position: I’m not convinced that these people have chosen the most effective route to help their country — though Guatemala is in such bad shape I’ll admit that I don’t kn…

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What’s the Role of LDS Church Leaders when it comes to Politics?

…ly involved in the campaigns of either Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman Jr. To truly get the significance of the statement it helps to understand a little about how the extensive worldwide leadership of the Church is constituted. The LDS Church has an all-lay priesthood—no trained clergy. Just about everyone who attends Church regularly has a “calling,” an officially defined job or responsibility. Men of worldly influence often rise through the ranks t…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…talked about this whole process in conjunction with what was then Campus Crusade for Christ, now Cru, using these techniques; how the people in Cru began isolating her from her family as they drew her in. Is there anything you’d like to say about that? CK: I just think that if you’re looking for someone who needs community and needs a place to belong—who’s emotionally vulnerable, so they’re easy to pull in—you’re going to surround them with kindn…

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New Data Strongly Suggest a Correlation Between Disaffiliation and Christianity’s Association with the U.S. Right

…likely has something to do with rising identitarian Christian nationalist politics. Christian nationalism has become increasingly explicit among Trump supporters and the Republican Party’s base over the past few years, as Trump and other Republican leaders like Florida governor Ron DeSantis have shattered political norms and vigorously pursued the culture-warring objectives of the raging Christian Right. That marriage between conservative, mostly…

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Secularism in the US is Larger, More Diverse and More Dynamic Than Ever, But You Wouldn’t Know it From the Media

…critical eye, and an awareness of the great Russian novelist’s reactionary politics, Russian nationalism, and antisemitism. Levin’s frustration with the press is thus entirely valid. The legacy media’s approach to American secularization and secularism, frankly, constitutes journalistic malpractice. To take a recent (admittedly far from the worst) example, many secular Americans were dismayed by Michelle Boorstein’s January 14 Washington Post repo…

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Is Putin a ‘Real’ Christian? To Understand This Conflict We Need to Ask Different Questions

…uspices of a revival of “Holy Rus,” and more disturbingly a multinational “Russian World.” The Russian Orthodox Church, in many of its expressions, has been an active participant in Putin’s vision of global domination. Patriarch Kirill isn’t just a willing participant in the transnational expansion of Russian power, culture, and Christianity—he’s a co-conspirator in this worldbuilding project of faith and politics. But the matter goes beyond the h…

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