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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…t) men or women, and the presence of LGBT consumers has been forgotten. … Being a gay person myself, I’ve always felt that was such a waste of opportunities,” said Morinaga, 33, who won an in-company competition to start the venture. “By turning our eyes to (LGBT people), I believe we can create products or services that we’ve never seen before.”  …

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…greement.” What is antisemitism, and who is an antisemite? The issue has become important, yet again, because the upcoming Women’s March has been derailed due precisely to this very conundrum. The controversy centers around a figure, Louis Farrakhan, who as leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) has repeatedly and overtly espoused views of Jew-hatred that one could unequivocally call antisemitic. But he’s not really the issue, since he has nothing to…

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The Failure to Focus on — And Yes, to ‘Cancel’ — Right Wing Antisemitism is a Problem

…rs earlier, McCarthy had removed former Representative Steve King from his committee assignments due to a comment sympathetic to white supremacists. Whether gauging the interest through Google trends: …or through social media interest (source: BuzzSumo)… …the simple reality is that a Black woman’s misstatement on the View got far more attention than a congresswoman’s attendance at a Neo-Nazi conference, an act that would have once been considered…

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Dems Should Take Notes From Elizabeth Warren’s Pitch-Perfect Answer on Faith

…the candidate wants to talk about. It takes discipline and preparation to come up with an answer like that, and Warren makes it look easy. Jack Jenkins points out that she’s given variations on this response before, but that’s sort of the point. In less assured hands, it would come across as scripted, rote. From Warren, it seems off the cuff. By the end, you can hear the cadences of an Oklahoma preacher slipping in. Seriously, the last time I saw…

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Kirill’s Sermon May Be Bad Preaching and Even Worse Theology — But it’s a Top-Notch Rejection of Liberal Democracy

…out justice is capitulation and weakness. Therefore, forgiveness must be accompanied by the indispensable preservation of the right to stand on the side of the world, on the side of God’s truth, on the side of the Divine commandments. None of this is offered in good faith, if you will excuse the phrase. Kirill blames the Ukrainians for Russia’s war of choice, then demands that they admit their offense against the Russians if they want to be offere…

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Christian Nationalists and the Holy Gun Crusade

…or saying that: The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 it says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A warrior. A mighty warrior leading a mighty army, riding a white horse with a blood-stained white robe … I believe that blood on that robe is the blood of his enemies ’cause he’s coming back as a warrior carrying a sword. He added to this claim that the sword in question was the AR-15, and that the Second Amendment as a concept came fr…

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Sexual Abuse is Inevitable in Christian Patriarchy; Just Take a Look at Doug Wilson’s Christ Church, and its New ‘Documentary’ ‘Eve in Exile: The Restoration of Femininity’

…and abuse For those of us who grew up in and have now left patriarchal or complementarian communities, it’s no surprise that a denomination like the SBC would have systemic problems with abuse. We’ve experienced this over and over, and yet many in the church continue to argue that abusers are only a few bad apples, as if the institution itself doesn’t create the conditions for abuse to exist. One example of a patriarchal church community that’s b…

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The End of Roe and School Prayer: America is Not Ready to Be a Christian Nation

…ided a case like this at virtually any time, but waited until after it had completely gutted the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County (2013) and Brnovich (2020) and after it had upheld partisan gerrymandering in Rucho v. Common Cause (2019). Those decisions protect the power of the conservative white Christian who would otherwise be subsumed in a demographic tide that would keep them out of office for good. The measures empower the shrinking demogra…

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Black Satanist Candidate Faces LA Sheriff Shakedown

…reform efforts. He tried to speak about his experience before an oversight committee discussing police reform, but was told to file a formal complaint and be silent. When he finally got a call from a lieutenant, Hill says the way the lieutenant addressed him reminds him of how people talked to inmates during his days as a parole officer. Hill hung up and began pursuing a lawsuit against the LASD. A document from the law firm representing the LASD…

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The Right’s ‘Grooming’ Rhetoric Didn’t Begin with QAnon — You Have to Go Back a Bit Further to Get to the Source

…have instead framed their efforts as protecting children. A prime example comes in the form of opposition to trans rights bills, often called “Bathroom Bills” by Christian Right groups in order to ratchet up the fear, since they claimed that these bills would put women and girls at risk by allowing male predators into female bathrooms. This tactic remains in play because it accomplishes so much. It works. First, it shifts the conversation away fr…

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