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The Democrats’ Real Religion Problem, And All Of Ours

…tive evangelicals went on to vote for Trump by 80%. The mention of African-American voters is curious, since Sanders—like Clinton—did spend time speaking at black churches, but it cut no ice. African-Americans and particularly black women, decided that by policy and personality, Clinton was their woman, and they stuck with her. When a race is as close as Ossoff’s, it’s tempting to argue that eating into the opponent’s base on religious or any othe…

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Dear Readers: Letter From an Anonymous Liberal Pastor in Trump Country

…an government threatened to take retaliatory measures limiting the stay of American visitors. After all this time, having their marriage broken up by governments became a real possibility. By Monday, the administration had backed off a bit, lifting the outright ban on green card holders from the affected nations. This still would have required the husband to undergo the “extreme vetting.” Since there is no American embassy in Iran, that would in t…

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In Case You Missed Them, the Top Pope Francis Quotes of 2016

…mistreated women, to children forced to work. –In yet another impromptu in-flight press conference, Pope Francis said in June that Christians should apologize to gay people and others the church has mistreated. Today, children are taught this at school: that everyone can choose their own sex. And why do they teach this? Because the books come from those people and institutions who give money. –In a meeting with Polish bishops on World Youth Day, F…

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Pastor Convicted in Lisa Miller Child Kidnapping Case

…ous-right folk hero, has repeatedly denied any role in or knowledge of her flight from the country. Erik Eckholm’s New York Times coverage of the trial included this information: The prosecutors presented evidence that others had worked with Mr. Miller to help Ms. Miller flee. Chief among those alleged to have taken part was a businessman in Virginia, Philip Zodhiates. Telephone records suggest that Mr. Zodhiates was in touch with Ms. Miller for m…

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My Congregation Tried to Help a Syrian Family Settle in the US

…It does make me wonder, though, what would happen if this family got their flight waivers tomorrow and showed up next week. Would they be redirected to Connecticut like the family turned away from Indiana this week? Would they face open hostility, suspicion, even violence, as Muslims in many states have? Would my parishioners still want to befriend them, or would they be cowed or converted by the mean-spirited rhetoric that has been flying loose r…

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Mark Driscoll Hate-Tweets as Pope Benedict Flip-Flops: This Week in Religion and Social Media

…preaching debacle weren’t enough to sour many in on the religiosity of the American political process, conservative evangelical shock preacher Mark Driscoll stirred a hornet’s nest of Christianist hate and Christian outrage with the following tweet during the Presidential Inauguration on Monday: Praying for our president, who today will place his hand on a Bible he does not believe to take an oath to a God he likely does not know. —Mark Driscoll (…

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Is Joel Osteen, Success Mag Cover Boy, Really “God’s Best”?

…od’s best,” Osteen misses a very important point. Perhaps on his next long flight he can pull out his Bible and take a gander at Luke 16:19-31—the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Daily, the rich man ignored poor Lazarus, but when Lazarus died he was taken to “heaven” or a place of eternal comfort. The rich man’s fate in Hades was terrible, however, as he begged Abraham to “send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; f…

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The “Nones” Are Here… And Have Been for Over 100 Years

…ry that reaches back into the late nineteenth century. Several scholars of American religious history, including Leigh Eric Schmidt and Catherine Albanese (whose relevant works were cited in RD’s “Five Must-Reads on the Nones”) have teased out strands of this older pattern of life on the margins of religious affiliation. A century ago, the religious “nones” were coming, and just as today, religious leaders wondered what they could do to stop the f…

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Mitt Romney At Value Voters Summit

…ancy Pelosi’s numbers have being going down a chute faster than a Jet Blue flight attendant” and  “President Obama’s idea of a rogue state is Arizona.”   As for the substance of Romney’s speech, what was most notable was the absence of talk about values, let alone religion.  Instead, Romney sounded every bit the corporate buyout and turnaround specialist, criticizing the “anti-growth,” “anti-investment” Obama administration for forgetting the priv…

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Does Liberal Theology Profane God?

…ones (that today would look as though I were at the shooting range or on a flight deck) to even listen to the album for fear that my mother would know that I was even listening to such language. But, as Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler, Jr. rightly pointed out in a recent interview, when we’re forbidden in the Ten Commandments from taking God’s name in vain, it’s not just outlawing such phrases as “God damn,” or “Oh, m…

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