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Historian John Ragosta Discusses the Context and Inspiration for ‘Religious Freedom’ in the U.S.

…eligious Freedom Day hasn’t exactly caught on, and there’s no official web site (although an evangelical education outfit managed to purchase the web address for Religious Freedom Day and make it look rather official). Since 2015, the Coalition for Liberty and Justice, an alliance of more than 60 civil liberties, human rights, and religious and secular groups (originally formed in response to the 2014 Supreme Court case, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby) ha…

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Catholic Universities Facing a Fork in the Road on Gender & Sexuality: The Church or the Culture

…s impossible that Georgetown could sanction an organization for supporting official church teaching. Other high-profile Catholic universities have also come down on the side of Catholic teaching. Catholic University, which is the only officially Vatican-affiliated Catholic university in the United States, has repeatedly denied certification to CUAllies, an LGBT-rights student organization. When pressed for a reason, Catholic University President J…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…cly in the city of Shiraz (Southern Iran) today August 6. According to the official website of the Iranian Judiciary in Fars province two of the prisoners were sentenced to death charged with sodomy. These prisoners were identified as “Abdollah Gh. Ch.” and “Soleiman Gh. Ch.” . Since there was no mention of rape in the report there is possibility that these men were sentenced to death for sexual relationship with the same sex…. Iran Human Rights (…

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All You Had to Do Was Express Regret: Pope Benedict XVI’s Rocky Visit to Yad Vashem

…termination of a whole people.” This theme, repeated in papal speeches and official documents, seeks to establish beyond a doubt that the Church itself cannot be implicated in anti-Jewish violence. In the words of “We Remember,” its fundamental teachings affirm “the unity of the human race” and “equal dignity of all races and peoples.” Despite obvious differences between John Paul II and Benedict XVI, this firm refusal to accept any linkage remain…

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Shifting Talk on Mormon Racism Reveals Divisions within LDS Church

…efforts to have the talk edited before its publication in the Ensign, the official LDS Church magazine, in its semi-annual Conference edition. Some hoped that just as Elder Boyd K. Packer’s controversial October 2010 General Conference on homosexuality had been edited for publication, so too might Elder Dickson’s talk be edited to correlate with official scripture. But the talk will appear in print, unchanged. One month. Two high-placed LDS sourc…

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New Poll: ‘Faithful Catholics’ an Endangered Species

…arriage—something which is not even on the distant horizon of the Church’s official agenda—British Catholics as a whole are now in favour of allowing it by a margin of 3%. In addition, only a third approve of the Church’s policies on women, and only 19% of British Catholics support a ban on abortion. Even more worrying for Church leaders is the fact that the gap between Catholic opinion and official teaching widens with every generation. My survey…

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Why Even Progressive Christianity Must Own Its Complicity in Anti-LGBT Violence

…at explicitly decries any unkind treatment of those who identify as gay. A number of other denominations whose official stances reject homosexuality still contain a significant proportion of members who believe it should be accepted by society. “The painful reality of our time is that, to whatever extent we are not vocally affirming that LGBT people are beloved nor explicitly countering claims that queerness is sinful, we are allowing Christian ho…

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Turkish Police Move Against Activists Who Defied Pride Ban; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…s and we cannot be open in public anymore.” The proposed bill emboldened a number of radical nationalist movements and, according to activists at Labrys, a gay activism group in Kyrgyzstan, led to a near 300 percent increase in attacks against the community. Activists fear things will get worse once a Russian-style anti-gay “propaganda” bill gets its final reading in parliament and becomes law; a restrictive definition of marriage was placed into…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…each other,” he says. “We usually get curious and puzzled stares.” Poland: Official discourages same-sex couples married abroad from registering The Campaign Against Homophobia criticized Deputy Public Prosecutor General Robert Hernand for telling regional prosecutors that it is unacceptable for civil registrars to register the marriages of same-sex couples who married abroad. Kenya: Court orders registrar to register name change for five trans pe…

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Pope Denounces Gender Colonization; Indonesian Court Considers Islamist Request To Criminalize Homosexuality; Egypt’s Grand Mufti Says No One Has Right to Harm Homosexuals; Global LGBT Recap

…ice arrest pride participants; parade cancelled under mob threat from govt official Organizers cancelled Saturday’s pride parade “after a tense meeting between a senior government official and one of Uganda’s top human rights lawyers,” reports BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder. The government’s Ethics Minister Simon Lokodo reportedly threatened to mobilize a mob if the event went forward. Earlier in the week police raided a gay pride event taking place at a…

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