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Catholic Church Campaigns Against Gay US Ambassador; Global LGBT Recap

…the support of the Obama administration, saying that “the President of the United States has our back and so does the administration. So we’re going to keep doing our job.” Malawi: Pastors Threaten to Sue if Govt Does Not Arrest Gays The Young Pastors Coalition of Malawi is threatening to sue the government if it does not arrest what it says are 4,000 homosexuals living in a northern city because not arresting LGBT people “amounts to promotion,” r…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…seems strange at a synod on the family. None of the 16 experts is from the United States; 10 are from Europe (including five from Italy), three from Asia, and one each from Mexico, Lebanon and Australia. “There are more laypeople among the 38 auditors, including 14 married couples, of whom two are from the United States. Many of the observers are employees of the Catholic church or heads of Catholic organizations, including natural family planning…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…ly sputter when you counter with that argument! As an active leader in the United Methodist Church who, as you mentioned, has served as Chair of the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund Committee. How do you see your own path or that of the Methodist Church in this regard? Or, as has been asked elsewhere—what would Wesley do? United Methodists are no different than other Christians. We struggle and fail to deal with issues of human sexuality too. The…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

…to include a ban on unmarried couples having sex in the country’s criminal code could lead to punishment for tourists visiting Bali. Chile: Marriage equality legislation could take two or three years to become law President Michele Bachelet, while speaking to the United Nations general assembly, mentioned marriage equality legislation and a partial decriminalization of abortion as advances in “individual freedoms.” But a local activist leader pred…

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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…rches to continue “addressing the community’s social and religious needs.” United Kingdom: LGBT Activists Mull Impact of Brexit Vote British voters have called for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, which could undermine EU-backed legal protections for LGBT people in the UK and have an adverse effect on LGBT refugees and asylum seekers. Writes BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder: A united EU voice has helped activists turn back anti-LGBT initiati…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…is Gras Parade in Sydney. The group was founded in 2011 by Alice Aslan to “promote the rights of LGBTI people as well as stand in solidarity with them.” More from Shannon Power at the Star Observer: “There’s a lot of homophobia in the Muslim community that’s widespread and I wanted to challenge that,” Aslan said. “I have many queer Muslim friends that can’t come out and I wanted to support them.” Aslan, who comes from a Turkish cultural background…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…mber – though other surveys put the opposition percentage lower. India and United Kingdom: 50 years after decriminalization in UK, India hangs onto colonial era law At The Times of India, Vikram Doctor notes that the United Kingdom’s parliament voted to decriminalize homosexuality in 1967, asking why India “still hangs on to this colonial legacy” fifty years later. His piece includes history about the anti-sodomy law in the U.K. and the “morass of…

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What American Flag-Worship Looks Like to a New Citizen

…th a cross. We do the same thing for the Pledge of Allegiance. The US Flag Code advises: #172. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, ‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.’, should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. After an item has been blessed in divine ser…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…ne. Humans should be mature enough to develop and maintain our own ethical code informed by scientific knowledge of its consequences, he argues, rather than rely on an ancient moral code inscribed in scriptural texts of human origin composed in a different era for reasons that no longer apply. Dawkins finally brings the story to where Rev. Adam Sedgwick feared that it would end 150 years ago when he read this pre-publication copy of Origin of Spec…

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Republicans Claim Shari’ah Law Threatens Constitution

…at a mortal threat to the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States by its own terms, and the freedoms that we hold dear that are guaranteed by it, if we accept the insinuation and ultimately the adoption of shari’ah in the United States. So this panel is, we hope, part of a debate that will become much more vigorous in this country in the days ahead. We hope that in particular the kinds of efforts to insinuate shari’ah that h…

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