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Make Way for Liberal Pro-Lifers

…hy’s use of a mass to open and close their highly political “Fortnight for Freedom” campaign to gin up support for the religious liberty issue: Can Weigel explain why the “politicization of the Mass” that occurred during the Fortnight for Freedom was permissible but the “politicization” of the Mass at the border was not? Or why “holding a Mass in such circumstances” as the vigil before the March for Life on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decis…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…h our thousands of armed “advisors” still bunkered down in Afghanistan and Iraq and with our bombs and drones striking from the sky anywhere we want them to strike. Not to mention the fact (as noted by Sarah Posner in these pages) that white American Christians are more approving of torture as an instrument of foreign policy than is any other segment of the U.S. population. This finding comes as no surprise to those targeted by our War on Terror….

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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…ngressman who changed the name of french fries in the House cafeterias to “freedom fries” when the French failed to support the US invasion of Iraq, Jones later became a strong critic of the war. He wrote a personal letter to the family of each and every soldier, sailor and Marine killed in Iraq and, as Mother Jones reported, “one letter at a time, Jones’ doubts about the war began to take shape.” He broke ranks with the Republicans. And broke the…

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Bill O’Reilly’s Biblical Misremembering

…emembering of media outlets. From Williams braving a downed helicopter, to Iraq attacking us on 9/11, to the enduring myth that Republicans are fiscal conservatives while Democrats are out of control spend freaks, we want, perhaps need, these stories to be true—and after years of reinforcement we come to believe them despite facts to the contrary. I would suggest that the enduring power of story over fact is what powers a certain kind of fundament…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…arrative of defending an abandoned Sunni majority in Syria and minority in Iraq. Not just for the chance to meet the sponsors of the Assad regime directly. Not just because of the nefarious role Russia plays in jihadist lore (remember, al-Qaeda was created in the course of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan); but also for this simple reason: Russian intervention confirms the jihadist narrative, which belongs especially, but not exclusively, to ISI…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…sake of the little ones. Many little ones will fall into this sin if LGBT promoters push them. And we also protest for the sake of the LGBT promoters themselves. For their sin will be multiplied by every abused child that they push into sodomy.” Orozco discounts the likelihood of such an appeal, since Belizean law generally bars “interested parties” from appealing if the parties themselves decline. Rather, his focus is on understanding the decisi…

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Debunking the Myth That Democracy Is “Incompatible” With Islam

…d the campaign to “promote” democracy under Western military occupation in Iraq, for example, did not dampen the desire of these populations to elect their own representative governments through fair and transparent elections. At the same time, substantial Muslim majorities, male and female, want the Sharia to be at least a source of legislation in their countries, seeing no disjunction between religious beliefs and democratic principles. In a num…

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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…ed, and forced to leave Syria and join the fighting fronts in northwestern Iraq.” The Sharia Court in Deir ez-Zor reportedly said that Abu Zaid should, like the boy, die for being gay, but ISIS commanders demanded he be sent to fight in Iraq instead. Subhi Nahas, a gay Syrian who escaped the country fearing for his life, and who in a history-making speech addressed the United Nations last year about LGBT persecution in Syria, told The Daily Beast…

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American Idol(atry): McCain-as-Jesus

…nt, then dissent becomes blasphemous. To question America’s involvement in Iraq becomes an act of heretical defiance. With the theology behind Everhart’s statement, America can literally do no wrong. As a result of this nationalistic worship of America, we could find ourselves building walls to keep the unclean and unrighteous out of our holy land. We could find ourselves doing as we please in Iraq and elsewhere in the world without consideration…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…enerable publisher of books for the culture wars.” Since the advent of the Iraq War, Regnery has added defense of the Bush administration, promotion of the war on terror and Islam: [This year] Regnery published two books that fanned fears of Islam and justified the U.S. invasion of Iraq and war on terror using the clash of civilizations language of Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington: Mark Steyn’s America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It,…

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