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The New Christianity: What the Mainstream Media Has Missed

…r stories were more on target than we knew at the time. Some religious Web sites responded favorably to your work. Yes, perhaps the most enthusiastic response we got was from classic fundamentalists—Pre-millennial Apocalyptic Dispensationalists, to be specific. Those folks were reposting our stories, in their entirety, on their Web sites, and they praised our work for accurately describing the NAR and its theology. They’ve been aware of the moveme…

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Competitive Religious Philanthropy in the Wake of the Nepali Earthquake

…rominent Buddhist clergyman said. “It is a Hindu state with a considerable number of Buddhists living there. It is the place where the Bodhisattva Siddhartha was born.” The Sri Lankan prime minster reiterated those sentiments when he spoke to his parliament after the disaster. Because Sri Lanka is the center of the Theravada Buddhism, he said, it is the country’s responsibility to aid the birthplace of the Buddha. During the early 20th century, Sr…

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Here Comes President Boo Boo: Trump’s Tour as Reality TV

…f national security adviser General H.R. McMaster, “the homelands and holy sites of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslims faiths all on one trip.” From Bethlehem to the Vatican, Riyadh to Jerusalem, Trump’s first trip abroad as US President featured a chain of photo-ops to reinforce this “message of unity” theme. There were also, of course, some less-spinnable moments in Europe, bickering over NATO and the Paris Agreement on climate change, moments w…

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How a Group of Catholic Pacifists Took on the Nuclear State

…e drama and efficacy of the actions was more important than increasing the number of participants. They use the language of vocation to talk about their project, not the language of social movements. Of course the corollary is that as the years go by, there are fewer Plowshares activists and fewer Plowshares actions. But their worldview has always accommodated small numbers, characterizing them as a mark of faithfulness and authenticity. Faithful…

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No Longer Content With Right to Opt Out, Conservative Christians Asking Courts to Eliminate Rights for Others — And They’re Winning

…courts have held that the destruction of sacred Native American religious sites by the government does not constitute a “substantial burden” on tribal members’ religion. In the most infamous case, Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery in 1988, the Supreme Court explained that the destruction of a sacred site did not meet the legal definition of a substantial burden because it wouldn’t coerce the tribes “into violating their religious beliefs; nor wou…

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…buttons in the floors and walls of their quarters and in coffins and grave sites. The rhythms of the life cycle also demarcated sacred space at home. Childbeds and deathbeds became sites of prayer and conversion. A Bible placed on a laboring woman’s head might relieve her pain. Baptismal bowls stood on display in the house when not in use. Mourning jewelry and clothing reminded families of lost loved ones. Family Bibles, which contained records of…

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‘Enchanted New York’ Offers a Journey Through the City’s Magical History — With Some Mystifying Oversights

…clairsentience.” Moving uptown and through the centuries, Dann points out sites related to Freemasonry, mesmerism, phrenology, Swedenborgianism, psychometry, Rosicrucianism and anthroposophy. Which is all fair enough, as each had firm adherents in New York City, or very strong associations, as in the case of theosophy (in fact, the New York Theosophical Society-owned Quest Bookshop continues to do business at its 240 East 53rd Street location). I…

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Manchester—Last Gasp of a Failing Terror Movement?

…is not just a feature of ordinary tweets, it is prominent in the memorial sites set up online and included as tweet attachments. These commemorative sites that appear on web-based magazines such as the former Dabiq, now renamed Rumiyah, talk about the dead soldier’s devotion to their comrades as much or more than it cites their devotion to their faith. In fact, the two seem to be intertwined. A young person who felt alienated from the society in…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…to socially interact. However, the religious police even tracks gay dating sites actively and convicted two men to 450 lashes for using Twitter to meet in 2014. Even such private use is considered “promoting the vice and practice of homosexuality”. According to the new anti-terrorism law, Saudi Arabia considers any criticism of Islam and even atheism as forms of terrorism against the State. There conditions will make the discussion at the UNESCO f…

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Crucifying the Prairie: An Eco-Theology of Resistance for Good Friday

…reth at the mechanisms of the Roman Empire, I’m compelled to ask where the sites of crucified people and places are today. Jesus was crucified by the Romans for political sedition, for serving as a threat to the imperial occupiers of his day. His life calls us to point out sites of violence and crucifixion and resist them with all of the fury love can bring. I personally don’t believe the cross is a site of redemption (many Christians don’t), but…

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