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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…eup at the CLC’s annual conference changed as well: Republican speakers outnumbered Democrats 6-1 from 1988 until 1999. The speaker selections (a literal Who’s Who of the religious right) said much about Land and demonstrated his growing influence among the conservative Christian elite.  Not satisfied with the relationship between between the Republican Party and the religious right, Land said in March 1998: “The go-along, get-along strategy is de…

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Romney’s Mild Rebuke to Bryan Fischer, and Fischer’s Ugly Speech

…Sekulow, whose organization is co-sponsor of an anti-Muslim conference in Nashville next month that is prominently promoted in the exhibit hall next door. Sekulow is one of the original evangelicals to come out for Romney.) Earlier this week, Joanna Brooks predicted here that Romney would not stand up to the bigotry of American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer, who has repeatedly engaged in vitriolic anti-Mormon, anti-gay, and anti-Mus…

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In Speech to White Evangelical Broadcasters, Trump Lays Out his White Christian Nationalist Vision

…cantly, the annual meeting of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) in Nashville on February 22nd. While the name sounds broadly religious, NRB was created by leaders of communications outlets that operate specifically in the White evangelical world. According to its website, NRB, founded in 1944, “exists to represent the Christian broadcasters’ right to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.” In his rambling 75-minu…

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The Happening and the Gospel of Bruce Springsteen

…e on the Bible, the Boss, and the Backwoods Barbie: sin and salvation from Nashville to New Jersey?) The folks behind Church Basement Roadshow do get specific about theology, and since they were good enough to show up at my synagogue Saturday morning (noshing not davening), I wanted to end this update on religion and culture with a mention of their project. Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt,and Mark Scandrette are three leaders of the emergent church moveme…

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Queer Religion and Community at HRC Summer Institute

…is mentor/teacher, that was not the most important thing about the week in Nashville. Nor was learning from guest presenters like Emilie Townes, Susan Thistlethwaite, or Bishop Gene Robinson. Nor were the conversations about the pros and cons of marriage equality, or the importance of doing public theology or the lessons shared by those among us who identify as transgender. It wasn’t even the hevre (rendered loosely, sense of community) that devel…

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David Barton: Falling from Grace?

…story will affect his political influence remains an open question. In the Nashville Tennessean, a disappointed Barton fan who hoped to see him at a 9/12 rally, and who had The Jefferson Lies on an audio CD, admitted that “the book wasn’t as good as some of his other previous works,” but hoped that “the current controversy won’t undermine his credibility. ‘It’s bad because it’s not typical of him,’ she said. ‘He’s usually so rock solid on history….

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‘Hey Jesus, Do You Love Me the Same?’: Out Christian Rock Star Trey Pearson on Closeted Industry Figures, His Evolving Faith, and Brand New Video

…ed knocking on the doors of a bunch of the huge Christian record labels in Nashville. Within a few months, when I was twenty-one, I signed a deal with Flicker Records [EMI, now part of Capitol]. I had some good radio success, toured with major Christian music artists like TobyMac, Mercy Me, and Jeremy Camp, and did a lot of major youth events around the country, including Acquire The Fire and various Christian music festivals every year. I had a d…

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In Speech to Religious Broadcasters William Barr Warns of Secular Tyranny, Promotes Christian Tyranny

…e delivered Wednesday at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville. NRB is an international evangelical organization whose board members include John Fuller of far-right powerhouse Focus on the Family and Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association, a Southern Poverty Law Center designated anti-LGBT hate group. Featuring predictable dog whistles about “federalism” (i.e., “states’ rights”) and “the corporate—or ‘mainstream’—pre…

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Where Did White Evangelicalism’s Hatred of Critical Race Theory Really Begin?

…itical Race Theory. At the recent 2021 Southern Baptist Convention held in Nashville, many messengers came to the convention to rescind Resolution 9, despite the fact that it was only the faintest nod to the existence of systemic racism and essentially demanded nothing of its members. When they discovered they couldn’t do that because resolutions are nonbinding and merely express the sentiment of messengers assembled that year, messengers tried pr…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…er, Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1992), p. 97. 5. Partha Mitter, Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art, ibid. 6. Mitter, Much Maligned Monsters, p. 98. 7. See Mitter, ibid., p. 99. 8. “Man-womanish”: Walter F. Otto, Dionysus: Myth and Cult (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1995), p. 85. “Occasional shepherd”: When the sheph…

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